

  Children: Good!

  C: And uncle Max.

  Children: Uncle Max!!

  (Liesl goes out to the yard)

  Liesl: Rolfe! Oh, Rolfe!

  Rolfe: No, Liesl. We mustn't.

  Liesl: Why not, silly?

  Rolfe: I don't know. It's just...

  Liesl: Isn't this why you're here waiting for me?

  Rolfe: Yes, of course. I've missed you, Liesl.

  Liesl: You have? How much?

  Rolfe: So much that I even thought of sending you a telegram, just so that I'd be able to deliver it here.

  Liesl: Oh, that's a lovely thought. Why don't you? Right now.

  Rolfe: But I'm here.

  Liesl: Please Rolfe. Send me a telegram. I'll start it for you. Dear Liesl.

  Rolfe: Dear Liesl, I'd like to be able to tell you how I feel about you. Stop. Unfortunately this wire is already too expensive. Sincerely, Rolfe.

  Liesl: Sincerely?

  Rolfe: Cordially.

  Liesl: Cordially?

  Rolfe: Affectionately.

  Liesl: Hmmm...

  Rolfe: Will there be any reply?

  Liesl: Dear Rolfe, Stop. Don't stop. Your Liesl. If only we didn't always have to wait for someone to send father a telegram. How do I know when I'll see you again?

  Rolfe: Well, let's see. I could come here by mistake. With a telegram for Colonel Schneider. He's here from Berlin staying with the... No one is supposed to know he's here. Don't tell your father, now.

  Liesl: Why not?

  Rolfe: Well, your father is so... so Austrian.

  Liesl: We're all Austrian.

  Rolfe: Well, some people think we ought to be German. And they're very mad at those who don't think so. They're getting ready to.... Well, let's hope your father doesn't get into trouble.

  Liesl: Don't worry about father. He's a big naval hero. He was even decorated by the Emperor.