

  Cinderella: Oh, my goodness!噢,天啊!Prince: What's the matter?什么事?

  Cinderella: It's midnight. It's almost midnight. I must go!午夜了,快到午夜了。

  Prince: Yes, so it is. But why?是的,但又怎样呢?

  Cinderella: Goodbye.再见。

  Prince: No, no, wait! You can't go now.不,等等,你现在不能走。

  Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must.噢,我必须走。

  Prince: But why?但为什么呢?

  Cinderella: goodbye.再见。

  Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don't even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!


  Cinderella hurried to be off and left one of her glass shoes in the garden. The prince ordered his guards to find the shoes’ owner.

  Act 4

  Prince: Find the girl who is fit the slipper. I will marry her.

  The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe. Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the prince. No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two stepsisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try. But her stepmother didn’t want Cinderella to marry the prince. 第二天,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须穿玻璃鞋,穿上鞋子最合适的姑娘将成为王子的新娘。但城中没有一个女孩能穿着合适。最后来到灰姑娘的家中,继母的女儿们当然也不能穿上那双玻璃鞋,正当国王的大臣要离开时,灰姑娘出现在楼梯上,她要求试一试鞋。但是她的继母并不希望灰姑娘嫁给王子.

  Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?请等等!我可以试一下吗?

  Stepmother: Oh, pay no attention to her.噢,别理她。Stepsister1: It's only Cinderella!她仅仅是灰姑娘!  Stepsister2: Impossible.不可能。

  Stepsister1: She's out of her mind.她疯了。

  Stepmother: Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.是的,是的,只是一个爱想象的孩子。

  Duke: Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady.当然你可以试试,我的女士。

  Duke: Oh, It fits perfectly!噢,太合适了!

  Cinderella: You see, I have the other slipper.你看,我有另一只拖鞋。

  Duke: You must be the girl the prince want to find!

  Act 5

  Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on.王子和灰姑娘举行了盛大的婚礼,幸福地生活。

  Ending with dancing, everybody should come together.