gossip girl 第一季剧本第二集part2欣赏(3)


gossip girl 第一季剧本第二集part1

  The Wild Brunch

  In the wake of the scandalous Kiss on the Lips party, Serena (Blake Lively) receives an icy cold reception from her best friend Blair (Leighton Meester), who reveals that she knows Serena slept with her boyfriend, Nate (Chace Crawford), before mysteriously running off to boarding school.

  As if it couldn't get any chillier, Serena decides to take Dan (Penn Badgley) to arch-enemy Chuck's (Ed Westwick) fundraiser brunch at The Palace, and Jenny (Taylor Momsen) seeks advice from Blair, who realizes she may have something to gain by allowing Jenny into her inner circle.

  Kelly Rutherford and Matthew Settle also star. Mark Piznarski directed the episode written by executive producers Josh Schwartz & Stephanie Savage.

  Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper east siders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite "it" girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence.

  Kati:You'll never believe what's on "Gossip Girl"

  Isabel: Someone saw serena getting off the train at grand central.

  Gossip Girl:Everyone knows Serena and everyone is talking.

  Eleanor:Blair, it's Serena.


  Gossip Girl:And B's boyfriend Nate.Rumor has it: he's always had a thing for serena.

  Nate:But you're back now.

  Serena:I didn't come back for you.Look, Blair's my best friend and you're her boyfriend and she loves you.

  Gossip Girl:Why did she leave? Why did she return?

  Eric:Must be a lot of rumors why you're back.

  Serena:Yeah, but none of them mention you.(To Lily) He tries to take his own life and you're worried it's gonna cost you "Mom of the year"?

  Lily:You have no idea what it's been like.

  Chuck:The best friend and the boyfriend. That's pretty classy S.

  Gossip Girl:And Nate's friend Chuck won't let Serena forget about her past.

  Serena:I'm trying to change.

  Chuck:I liked you better before.

  Gossip Girl:And then there's Dan,the outsider. Looks like his childhood crush has returned.

  Dan:She doesn't know me.Nobody knows me. It's cool.

  Receptionist: Uh, Serena.

  Dan:No. No, no, no, no, no.

  Receptionist: Do you know this young man?

  Serena:Oh, from last night.

  Dan:You remember me? (later) You'd really go out with some guy you don't know?

  Serena:Well, you can't be worse than the guys I do know.

  Rufus:Guess whose dad is cool.

  Jenny:It's a trick question.

  Dan:Yeah. 'Cause it can't be ours."Top ten forgotten bands of the '90s."

  Rufus:Yeah, check out who's number nine.

  Jenny:He's very proud.

  Dan:Hey! Hey! Way to be forgotten.

  Lily:Why is my daughter going to one of your concerts?

  Rufus:Well, our kids were bound to meet. It's a small island.

  Lily:Are you sure it's not some ploy,using my daughter to get to me now that your wife left you?

  Gossip Girl:Serena and her mystery man made a surprise appearance at Blair's Kiss on the lips party.

  Both: Serena's here?

  Blair:What is she doing here? She wasn't invited.

  Gossip Girl:But serena wasn't the only one who made an impression.

  Chuck:Who's the newbie?

  Gossip Girl:Jenny made an impression on Chuck.

  Chuck:Let's go and talk somewhere quieter.

  Jenny:Get off! Stop!

  Dan:Hey! That is my little sister!

  Serena:Don't you ever touch her again!

  Chuck:Hey, your life is over, slut!

  Blair:She better not show her face again.

  Chuck:I'm actually hoping she will.

  Dan:You think I got a shot at a second date?

  Serena:We'll talk about it in the cab.

  Gossip Girl:And now that S is back,will the upper east side ever be the same? We're all just dying to see what happens next.

  Gossip Girl:I bet you're wondering what gossip girl is doing up so early.Truth is, I never went to bed.Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better?

  Gia Farrell: I did cause a commotion/I can't help but make a scene/ooh/I ain't looking

  Gossip Girl:Is there really anything better than a lazy sunday?Reading the paper in bed. Sipping coffee.Scrambling an egg or two.Yeah, right.We upper east siders don't do lazy.Breakfast is brunch and it comes with champagne,a dress code and a hundred

  of our closest friends...and enemies.

  Gia Farrell: Say hey/Is it gonna be tonight?/Come hit me up/Come hit me up *

  Gossip Girl:Chuck's dad, Bart Bass is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. Everyone is invited.Well, not everyone.

  Gia Farrell: Held me right

  Dan:Oh. Hey, you're up.

  Jenny:And you're checking up on me.I'm okay. Really I'm okay.You know, I was okay when you asked me at the party and in the cab when we got home,before and after I brushed my teeth.Look, I just feel really stupid.I mean, how could I have actually thought

  that Chuck Bass just wanted to talk to me?

  Dan:Because you trust people,which is normally a good thing.

  Jenny:Yeah, except when it involves Chuck.

  Dan:Yeah, pretty much.

  Jenny:So the real question is how are you?

  Dan:Me? Why wouldn't I be okay?

  Jenny:You know, at the end of the night, with Serena and the--the--the...(awkward wave)

  Dan:Was it really that bad?


  Serena:This is me. So... Good night.

  Dan:Yeah.Yeah. good night.

  Jenny: Go! Walk her to the door. Go!

  Dan:Okay.Oh! Oh, god.That hurt a lot.

  Jenny:Whoa, whoa, stop, stop.

  Dan:Oh, I think I have brain damage.

  Jenny:You know what, dan? You wouldn't even know if you had brain damage.

  Dan:No, let's go, please.



  Eric:So he waved? I wouldn't take it from a waver.

  Serena:Maybe he was just trying to be funny.

  Eric:Maybe he's shy.

  Serena:Or he hated me.

  Eric:No guy in the history of the world has ever hated you.

gossip girl 第一季剧本第一集part6

  Dan:Look, I'm gonna do a lap. Okay? Look for her.

  Serena:Okay, yeah.

  Girls:Serena? It's Serena! Oh my god! What?! She's really here? Is that really her? Everyone said she wasn't invited. I think she's wasted. Do you think Blair knows? What's she wearing? What's with that dress? She's so brave. You know Serena.She'd never miss a party.

  Kati & Isabel:Serena's here?!

  Blair:What is she doing here? She wasn't invited.

  Nate:Blair, come on. Are you really gonna kick her out?

  Blair:Did you invite her?

  Nate:What? No! God, I told you.

  Blair:Do not talk to her.

  Nate:I was going for a walk.




  Serena:Hey, no luck?

  Dan:No, I haven't seen her anywhere.

  Serena:Come on. Let's try upstairs.

  Dan:All right. There isn't gonna be anybody up here. This is pointless.



  Serena:That's Chuck's scarf.

  Dan:Oh, god.

  Jenny:Get off! Stop!

  Dan:Hey! Jenny!

  Serena:Chuck, get off of her!

  Dan:Are you okay? You son of a...

  Chuck:What the hell is your problem?! It's a party. Things happen. Who are you anyway?

  Dan:How many times do I have to tell you? I'm in your class. My name is Dan Humphrey and that is my little sister!

  Serena:Come on, Dan .Let's go. Come on.Chuck, don't you ever touch her again!

  Chuck:Hey, your life is over, slut! Don't forget, I know everything!

  Dan:You sure you're okay?

  Jenny:Yeah, I will be. Just take me home, okay?

  Dan:So... Think I got a shot at a second date?

  Serena:Well, I don't think you could top this one.

  Dan:I did punch someone.

  Serena:True.We'll talk about it in the cab.

  Blair:She better not show her face again.

  Chuck:I'm actually hoping he will.

  Gossip Girl:Spotted: Serena making a heroic exit from B's party.Too bad for her,there's school on monday.So until next time.

  You know you love me.Gossip girl.

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