

  SCENE3 Outside ZhuGeliang’s house

  Actors: Liubei Guanyu Zhangfei Keeper

  Zhangfei: Let me knock the door! Open! Open!!!

  Keeper: (Check from the peep hole) Are these men asking for the debt?

  (Open the door)

  Liubei: This is liubei! We are calling on ZhuGeliang and his wife.

  Keeper: Zhu said he is not in.

  Liubei: En????

  Keeper: Oh! No!...I mean …I mean my boss is studying English in England for the exam of CET-6,and he may not be come back this month.

  Liubei: OK! We will wait for him here!

  Guanyu: Nobody knows that when he will be come back, so, let’s go home!

  Aside: The three men went away with disappointed. After a month, the deeply autumn came! They came here at the second time. Unfortunately, they didn’t see Zhugeliang as well . Two month passed, the cold winter is coming! It is heavy snow and very cold outsides. ZhuGeliang knows the reason that why they come here three times, and orders the keeper to let them come in whiles his wife is out.



  张飞——大哥我来叫门(气愤 敲门 咚 咚 咚)

  书童——(从猫眼里看看 跟张飞头对上 幻灯片配李逵的黑脸 吓一跳)莫非是来讨债的 (思考 开门)

  刘备——在下刘备 特来拜访诸葛卧龙先生和她老婆



  书童——哦 不是 主人 主人 出去游玩了 可能很快回来 也可能十多天不回来


  关羽——他呢么贪玩 谁知道他什么时候回来 大哥 我们还是走吧

  旁白——三人离去 又过了一个月 已是深秋 三人第二次登门拜访 可是仍然没有见着 第三次已经是冬天 屋外下着鹅毛大雪 诸葛老师知道了刘备上门讨债的事情 趁这会老婆黄氏不在 赶紧命书童前去开门