

  Vanesa: 对,我们不仅仅为了自己和家人而学习,我们还为了帮助别人,为了国家而学习。我们有责任发挥聪明才智、进取精神发展经济,保护环境。我们有责任对“精致的利己主义”说不,选择利他。这是我们的使命。

  Lisa: Let us be courageous to take our responsibilities. “There is no excuse that says: “that’s just how things are done there.” We should be the last people to accept it, and the first to change it.” Yes, we can change the world through knowledge-learning, through hard-working and through our great efforts.

  Lisa: 让我们勇于承担肩负的责任。不要说“现状无法改变”,我们应该是那个最后接受而最早行动起来的人。是的,我们能够改变世界,我们能够通过知识、勤奋和努力改变世界。

  Stephanie: I know it won’t be easy, but the best education we’ve received now and we will receive in the future gives us opportunities that we are the uniquely qualified and responsible, to build a better world for everyone.

  Stephanie: 我知道这并不容易,但是我们现在和将来所要接受的教育会让我们变成合格的,有责任感的最佳人选。我们会努力的!会让这个世界变得更加美好!

  Stephanie: Dear fellow graduates,congratulates and best wishes for all of you! 亲爱的学哥学姐们,在今天的毕业典礼上,我们英文演讲班的同学为你们送上最诚挚美好的祝福:

  Rain: to hold on your dreams!

  Annie: to meet the challenge!

  Alex: to work hard !

  Rain: to take the responsibility!

  Jason: to help others!

  Vanesa: to be creative!

  Lisa: to have courage!

  All: 祝你们前程似锦,永怀梦想,向前奔跑!