

  Party B agrees on the scope of commercial secretes specified by Party A. Disclosure of the commercial secretes of Party A in any form purposely or by fault is illegal. Party A has the right to report to the police, take compulsory measures and claim for criminal responsibility based on illegal condition and harm extent.


  When Party B finds that the commercial secretes of Party A are disclosed or divulged for fault of Party B, Party B shall take effective measures to stop further disclosure and timely report to Party A;


  All the commercial secretes specified in this agreement are under the ownership of Party A, and Party B shall not apply for intellectual property rights by making use of learning about the commercial secretes of Party A it has learnt to any extent, those legally owned by Party B before signing this agreement excluded.

  3、甲方保密义务: Non-disclosure obligations of Party A:


  Based on requirements of Party B on the sample, DEmO panel, test and inspection tool/software, drawing, specification etc. provided by Party B to Party A, Party A accordingly has the obligation to keep them confidential as per this non-disclosure agreement.

  4、保密期限  Term of non-disclosure


  Party A and Party B hereof confirm that non-disclosure obligations of Party B come into force on signing of this agreement till the confidential information is voluntarily disclosed by Party A. Whether Party B will continue further cooperation with Party A or not will not affect the performance of non-disclosure obligations by Party B;

  5、违约责任  Responsibility for breach of contract


  Provided Party B fails to perform non-disclosure obligations stipulated in this agreement, Party B shall pay RmB500, 000 as compensation for breach of contract. In case that the compensation for breach of contract is not sufficient to compensate for the losses of Party A, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for the insufficiency.


  If Party B violates this non-disclosure agreement, Party A has the right to take all legal actions including deducting payment, suspending payment, cancelling supplier qualification, legally claiming for all the losses etc. to defend all the rights and interests of Party A.

  6、特别条款  Special Provisions


  Party B shall properly keep the special materials of Party A (e.g. plastic casing, hardware casing, key, lens, battery, touch screen, earphone, charger, data cable, color dispenser, product manual, handbag and advertising product), and shall not have them flow into false product market or other places harmful to Party A. If it is verified that materials have flown out from Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RmB500,000 for each outflow as compensation for breach of contract; in case of serious outflow, Party A has the right to make no payment for the paid balance of Party B and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier, and Party B shall be investigated for legal responsibility.

  6.2 对于上述甲方专用物料,乙方不得以何形式提供给其他个人(甲方样品阶段乙方提供给甲方工程师签样除外)。如甲方查证物料确实从乙方流出,乙方应向甲方支付每次伍万圆人民币的违约金,情节严重者,甲方有权利取消乙方的供应商资格。

  Party B shall not provide the abovementioned special materials of Party A to any individuals in any form (At sample phase of Party A, the sample provided by Party B to engineer of Party A for approval is excluded.). If the materials are proven to be outflow from Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RmB50, 000 for each outflow as compensation for breach of contract; in case of serious outflow, Party A has the right to cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.

  7、一般条款  General Provisions


  In case of any agreement upgrade, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement is signed.


  This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.


  This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.







