











  Guangzhou Chime-long Tourist Resort(Chime-long Paradise)

  My dear friends, welcome to chime-long tourist resort! You might ask what attractive scenes this place has. To your

  excitement, there are breathtaking chime-long paradise, colorful Xiangjiang safari park, wonderful chime-long international circus, together with the long lung water park, which is the best place to go in summer. Besides, the chime-long hotel, chime-long golf training center and other places are also worth visiting.


  欢乐世界,顾名思义,也就是给我们带来欢乐的地方,在长隆,欢乐就是尖叫、欢乐就是呐喊、欢乐就是震撼, 下面就给大家推荐几个足够让大家连吃奶的力都叫出来的项目。

  Today, Chen will show you around and bring all of you experience the attractive the chime-long paradise.

  Chime-long paradise, as implied by its name, is going to bring us joy. Here, joy is screaming, shouting, and shocking. Next,I’ll

  introduce several exciting rides to you and let all of you experience the above-mentioned emotions.

  首先第一个尖叫就是,十环过山车,这个项目创下吉尼斯的世界纪录, 那是什么纪录呢?就是在 850 米内翻滚次数最多的过山车,它一共是花了1亿建成的。十环环环相扣,紧张刺激,环环不同充满惊喜,如驾御 奔腾翻滚 的姣龙,心中激起 阵阵 惊涛骇浪。每一环都给我们带来 不一样的 惊喜,真的是精彩不容错过。

  First of all, ten ring roller coaster. This ride, which is bound to make you screaming, has set the Guinness world record; it could do most times of rolling within 850 meters of the roller coaster. The

  construction cost was 100 million in total. Ten rings are interlocked, while each is different and full of surprises. Enjoying this ride is just like driving an energetically rolling dragon, with blast waves. This wonderful ride is not to be missed.

  第二个尖叫呢,是摩托过山车,它是东半球唯一的一台摩托过山车,那么它最大的亮点就是速度非常快,弹射加速从0到80公里只需要短短的2.8秒,所以就好像是跨坐在蝙蝠上,突然由地狱冲到天堂一样的感觉,让你把一切抛在身后。在 590 米的赛道上,最高时速达到了 80 公里,而且在拐弯的地方还有像赛摩托车的时候膝盖着地的真实感觉,这种刺激无可言喻,反正就三个字“倍儿爽” 。

  Secondly, motorcycle roller coaster. Its highlight is its fast speed. Speeding up from 0 to 80 km only takes 2.8 seconds, thus taking this ride is like sitting astride the bat, rushing from hell to heaven, leaving everything behind. Riding in the 590-meter track with the

  top speed reaching 80 kilometers will surely give you a feeling of knees on the ground, indescribably.

  第三个尖叫是垂直过山车,它也创下了一个世界第一, 就是世界上落差最大的过山车, 有“过山车之王”的号称 ,垂直过山车带着你冲上60米、20层楼的高空,当你还在惊叹高空俯视的壮观之际,瞬间垂直跌落,钻入漆黑的隧道,再以高速冲过贴近地面的水道,经由宽阔湖面冲浪滑行,给你“上天、钻地、冲浪”的独有超凡体验,新鲜刺激,毕生难忘。

  The third is the screaming vertical roller coaster. The maximum drop in the world wins this ride the reputation of "Roller Coaster King”. It brings you up to 60 meters high, and when you are

  enjoying the beautiful view at high altitude, it will suddenly plummet, down to a dark tunnel. And then it’ll break through the water

  channel, which is close to the ground, and at last slide and surf at the wide lake surface. The who

  le procedure will give you a unique and extraordinary experience of "from heaven to burrow and then surfing".  I bet this will be lifelong unforgettable.

  除此之外,长隆欢乐世界还有亚洲独一无二的U形滑板、全球最大的大摆锤、考验勇气的`激流勇进,更多的尖叫等着大家,不怕你没得叫,就怕你到时叫不出来。 好, 除了尖叫、 刺激的项目之外呢, 当然少不了的还有 “看” ,看什么呢?看真人的现场表演,比方说,亚洲最大四维影院,长隆独家打造、精彩全球独享;独居特色的欢乐大巡游,欢乐四处飞扬、幸福弥漫空中。炫动奇迹的欢乐剧场,精彩不断。

  In addition,Chime-long paradise has the unique u-shaped slide in Asia and the world's largest pendulum for all of you. Much more

  screaming and excitement are waiting for all of you. Well, except the screaming and exciting rides, there are also many shows and performance for you to enjoy. For example, you could visit the Asia's largest four-dimensional cinemas, chime-long exclusive building, the global exclusive; and you could also enjoy the unique joy parade, the whole crowd will be in the sea of joy, happiness and excitement.

  更值得一提的是“北美伐木竞技秀” ,来自世界各地的俊男靓女给我们现场展现一场充满粗狂刺激、滑稽逗趣的北美伐木比赛,精彩展示野性魅力的锯木、飞斧、、爬木、水上踩木、滚木等多种引爆眼球的疯狂表演,让人爆笑不止,喝彩不断!

  The North American timber athletics is also worth to be mentioned. Men from all over the world will show us a live, provoking and funny lumbering game, showing us charm of sawing wood, flying axe, climbing timber, treading wood on water,  These shows are bound to attract your eyes and win your cheers!

  最后,还有“惊爆危机岛” ,相信大家都看过好莱坞大片,在好莱坞大片中有好多非常惊爆的枪战、火战等特技场面,但是毕竟是看电影,没有现场来得那么震撼、过瘾。所以呢,长隆欢乐世界就把好莱坞电影当中震撼的特技场面搬到我们面前,让惊心动魄、叹为观止。

  Finally is the island" horrifying crisis. I believe you’ve enjoyed Hollywood movies. There are a lot of horrifying shooting and fire

  fighting stunt scenes within these movies. You may say that we could not experience these in real life. However, today, within this place, these shocking Hollywood movie stunt scenes will be played and shown in front of us, leaving us a feeling of thrilling, amazing and screaming.


  Dear friends, next, let's start today’s happy journey!