

  Third, strengthen the daily learning, and strive to improve the quality of their business. The professional quality is the basic condition for the supervisor to fulfill his duty.

  As a young supervisor, I love my profession, often familiar with the specification, the standard atlas, and a lot of reading the professional books, keen on the accumulation of work experience.

  Fourth, dedicated performance, and serve as a good staff as a supervisor, there is no interest to seek

  And the right to enjoy the treatment, only the responsibility to take the lead in the work of the obligation. In the usual work, the work assigned by the leadership, the quality and quantity to complete; of their own work within the can also be actively treated, and strive to complete, do not offside, but also in place, but not dereliction of duty. Always adhere to the standards of a qualified supervision staff requirements of their own, love their own work; a good work style and hard-working spirit; work attitude, The completion of the supervision department to the various tasks. In the work of the high standards of their own, strict compliance with their duties, found that the problem in accordance with the situation and make timely reports to the leadership. In daily life, to respect the leadership, unity of colleagues, to help difficult colleagues to solve life and work problems. 监理员英文自我评价篇三

  Unconsciously, 20xx years has been in the mature and confused intertwined, quietly passed. In my eyes, the design room is also a no smoke of the battlefield, it can temper people's will, indifferent to the soul, the quality of business can be rapidly improved, people can quickly mature the psychological, which all condensed with each leader English name decision and correct guidance.

  End of the year when the end of the year, people are always lamenting the life of the waste, look back and look forward to two eternal theme will be unchanged. Here I will from the quality of business, external communication and internal cooperation in two major aspects to analyze their gains and losses over the past year.

  As a professional architectural design staff, the improvement of business ability is the most important.

  20xx years of six months, drawing through a large number of construction drawings, architectural design of the process, methods have a deeper understanding of the building code also has a certain understanding. At the beginning of this year, I set myself the goal of having the ability to operate a general project independently, including its overall planning, program design, renderings, and post-construction drawings. Ability comes from practice, practice test ability; in the fourth quarter, I follow their established goals step by step to come down to earth, some may be achieved, and some may be away from the target there is a certain gap, specifically in the following aspects.

  First, the overall planning capacity:

  20xx in the second half of the year, through a residential district of Pixian total planning, Nanchong a fund-raising room of the total flat design, Zhengxing a commercial center of the total flat adjustment and a downtown commercial and residential area of the overall plan, The knowledge has a more profound understanding, have a certain ability. In order to facilitate communication with Party A, I strive to learn more about the real estate development trends and trends, intentions speculation developers business purposes, and strive to find the perfect combination of designers and developers point. As a designer, mainly through the national norms and the local government departments to determine the volume rate, building density, green rate, building height and spacing to macro control; Secondly, the basic column network to determine the fire channel and residential road network through building Style selection is also a mature designer must be skilled to solve several problems. I pay special attention to these issues at work, and properly handle the problems encountered on the modest leadership and senior experts to consult, and achieved good results, and accumulated a lot of valuable experience.

  Second, the performance of the map:

  The effect diagram as a means of expression, is the most intuitive expression of architectural design work, which determines the overall style of the building, but also decided to choose the package of developers a very important reason, so I think the performance of the performance of architectural design The early very important components also make me a basic skill that must be mastered. Over the past year, through the garrison of the guest house, a building attached to flyovers, forgetting Valley Hotel and a villa renderings renderings, I am able to master the 3dmax, ps / 'target = blanks> photoshop and other design software to be Their understanding of the building form, to make the general effect of single map, for large commercial buildings and the production of bird's eye view of the plot is still lacking, but also the need for continuous learning and practice.

  Third, the program capacity:

  Program capability is a building architect must be an important ability. Good plan directly with the application of the building, the economy, the three basic elements of beauty linked. Over the past year, I participated in most of the company's project plan design, Guihu Garden, Yiran Habitat, bamboo Yun Court and other graphic design, I follow the design team leaders access to information, field trips, Humbly ask, the successful completion of the established task. During this period, by the leadership of the trust, I also independently completed the garrison area hostel, a Shuangpin villas and department stores, bamboo Yun Court 1,2 # floor flat elevation design. In the layout of the planar column network, I first arranged according to their own ideas about the structure of the column network, and then ask the structure of my colleagues to help check whether reasonable, invisible, I enhanced the concept of structure, enrich the expertise. In the process of independent design, I found a lot of shortcomings, especially the grasp of the program is still the lack of basic theoretical understanding, which are in the future work must be the first to strengthen.







