

 VII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks (在短文空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空限填一词,首字母已给):5%

  I love living in Venice(威尼斯), it’s full of interest. I like i________ because it’s quite a small city. I think it’s got about 200,000 people, but there are a lot of t________, especially(特别)in the summer, and there’s not enough r________ for them all. Of course, there are no cars or lorries, but there are water buses on the rivers all day and all n________ and it’s not far to walk anywhere in the city. But you n_______ lots of money to live here. Houses are very expensive and everything comes from the mainland, so the prices are very high. And there’s not many to do in the evenings. But I still like it here.

 VIII. Translate the following sentences into English (把下列句子翻译成英语): 10%

  1. 他们的经理在上班时不必穿制服。

  Their ______________ needn’t _________________________________.

  2. 当Ben正带着Sam散步时,一辆自行车冲过来,把他撞倒。

  When Ben ___________________ with Sam in the street, a bicycle ________________ him and ________________________.

  3. 清洁工人清扫街道,收集垃圾。他们还清空垃圾箱。

  Street cleaners ______________________ and _____________________. They ________________________________.

  4. 那个男孩逃跑了是因为他怕狗。

  The boy __________________ because he _____________________.