

  When she's breaking up with you-If you've ever been broken up with before, you've undoubtedly heard some of these. Chances are, the flame died a long time ago, and she's been trying to work up the courage to break it off for a while. In an effort to end things with the least amount of weeping and protesting on your part, she breaks things off with you in the gentlest way possible.当她和你分手的时候-如果你曾经失恋过,那么肯定听过这些话。事实上,爱火很久之前就已熄灭,她也是努力鼓起勇气来提出分手。尽量让你不过度伤心难过来提出分手已经是她能做到的最温柔的事情了。

  when she is a little unsure-“Do i look OK on this?"(I'm not looking for fashion advice, just pay me a compliment)“So are we together"(Are you still sleeping with other girls?)“I like your friends, but..."(I don't like your friends)”You don't have to buy me a present"(You have to buy me a present)These phrases are mostly tests. Pop quizzes of the relationship world that are easy to fail if you take them at face value. Tread carefully, friends, for these phrases are not what they seem.当她有点不确定时-"我穿这个怎么样?”(我可不需要什么时尚的建议,赞美就够了)"我们算是在一起了么?”(你还有备胎么?)"我蛮喜欢你朋友们的,但...”(我不喜欢你的朋友们)"不用给我买礼物啦“(我要礼物!)这些话大部分都是试探。在感情的世界中一旦你只注意到表面那么必死无疑啦。谨慎点,这些话可没那么简单哦。