


  Refiners are updating their plants so that they can process heavy, sour crude oil, which is now increasingly in supply, as well as the light, sweet crude oil, whose volumes are dwindling as oil fields on which the world has come to rely run dry.

  德勤咨询(Deloitte Consulting)高级独立能源顾问约瑟夫·斯坦尼斯拉夫(Joseph Stanislaw)说:“人们的担忧与夏季有关。消费者仍在驾车并使用汽油,而目前汽油的主要原料轻质油供应却不充裕。”

  Joseph Stanislaw, senior independent energy adviser to Deloitte Consulting, said: “The fears are related to the summer time. Consumers are still driving and using petrol and the light crude oils that produce a higher proportion of petrol are not in abundant supply.”


  The move by oil producers to develop heavy oil fields more quickly than new refinery units are being added was illustrated by Saudi Arabia this week. It cut the price of its heavier oil and raised the price of its light oil.


  But high oil prices are also being caused by fears that geopolitical tensions could interrupt oil flows when the world has only a slim cushion of emergency supplies.