Sunday Seven英语民间故事(3)


  "You are right," answered the third ogre, "I also have a remedy."

  "Senores," said the first, "to cure the blindness of my subjects all one has to do is to collect the dew during the first week of April. Then by rubbing a finger dipped in this dew over the eyes of the blind, they will be cured."(TingVoa)

  "You must guard you secret well; it is very ingenious." exclaimed the second ogre. "But listen to my remedy. As I have told you, I have deafened my subjects. Do you know how they can be cured? It is certainly more difficulty to cure this deafness than the blindness you spoke of. You have heard of the Hill of the Bells; all one has to do is take the person who is afflicted with dearness to this Hill, place him next to the rock, and then strike this rock with a hammer. The sound resulting from the blow will cure the deaf person."

  "That is nothing," said the third ogre. "To cure the dumbness of my people, one must go into the fields and pick flowers from the cenizo plant, which blooms only after a good rain. These flowers are set to boil, and a tea is made from them. The afflicted is given this tea to drink. Then not only is he cured of dumbness, but of every known ailment."

  The ogres were enjoying themselves a great deal, but since dawn was approaching, they agreed to meet again at the same place a year from that date.

  As son as the ogres left. the woodcutter clambered down from the tree saying to himself, "since the fairies have been kind tome, I will repay kindness with kindness. I will go and cure those poor afflicted persons the ogres talked about. However, since it is a long time until April, I will first go and cure the deaf and the dumb."

  Walking, walking, the woodcutter finally reached the land of the dumb. The good man picked the cenizo flowers, brewed the tea, and gave it to the dumb. Immediately their speech was restored. So grateful were all these people that they loaded the woodcutter's little donkey with bars of gold and silver. From the land of the dumb, the woodcutter traveled to the kingdom of the deaf. He took the deaf to the Hill of the Bells and cured them. Dios mio! what joy! These people also gave the woodcutter a donkey loaded with gold and silver bars. Since April was near, the woodcutter traveled to the country of the blind. Camping on a grass-covered prairie, he waited for the first week of April When the proper time arrived, the good woodcutter collected the dew from the grass, entered the village of the blind, and cured all. As a reward, the previously blind loaded their benefactor with still more gold and silver.