Sunday Seven英语民间故事(2)


  Suddenly the earth began to tremble; the rocks began to share, all with a terrifying sound.

  "It is the ogres who come!. Quickly!" the fairies told the woodcutter. "Climb that tree; otherwise the ogres will kill you." And the fairies disappeared.

  Quick as the wink of an eye, the woodcutter climbed the tree and hid in it foliage. No sooner had the woodcutter settled himself than three ugly and huge ogres sat themselves at the base of the tree and began to chat.

  "Well, amigos, what evil deeds have you performed during the year?" Thus they asked each other.

  "Well," said one of the ogres, "I have blinded the entire village. And so blind are they, that not even the sun can they see."

  They all laughed and poked each other in the ribs.

  The second ogre then said:

  "Ha! you think that was work? I have condemned the people of my kingdom to silence. And so dumb are they that even the children a

  re unable to cry."

  The ogres laughed louder than before.(TingVoa)

  "Well, senores," said the third, "I haven't been idle either. I have made my people so deaf that they cannot even hear the cries of the souls in purgatory."

  And the ogres laughed more loudly than ever, rolling on the ground with merriment. They were so evil that all human miseries caused them joy. The poor woodcutter, hearing them speak thus, trembled with horror.

  "However," said the ogre who had spoken first, "if you have done as I have, then everything proceeds well. Those poor unfortunates whom I have blinded don't know how easily they can be cured. Nevertheless, don't think I am going to cure, much less give them the remedy."

  "Good," said the second ogre. "You are going to tell us, no? I also have a remedy to cure the deafness of my people and I am sure that our friend here has also a remedy for the dumbness of his people."