

  Mdule 11 Phts

  Unit 2

  Unit 3 Language in use


  nwledge bective

  T practice the use f which/wh intrducing attributive clauses.

  Abilit bective

  Enable students t learn re abut develpent f phtgraph.

  Mral bective

  T nw abut hw t review the nwledge.


  T use which/wh intrducing attributive clauses


  PWP ethd, tas-based ethd


  A tape recrder, ultiedia and se pictures


  Teaching Prcedures:

  Step 1 Language practice

  He’s the b wh wn the pht cpetitin last ear!

  The pht which we lied best in the Cit and Peple grup was taen b Zha Min.

  A grup f phts which shw Beiing and Cabridge in England have wn the prize.

  Step 2 Cplete the pster fr the pht cpetitin. Use that, which r wh. There a be re than ne answer.

  Pht cpetitin

  Send us ur phts and win a new caera!

  We need phts _______ shw dail life at schl.

  ur phts shuld recrd interesting things _______ happen at schl, inside the classr r utside.

  The phts ______ u tae shuld be active, beautiful and true.

  The phts ______ u send shuld include se wrds abut the.

  The size f the phts _______ u tae shuld be 9c×13c.

  Students _______ enter the cpetitin shuld be between 10 and 16 ears ld.

  The last date _______ u shuld send ur phts is n 30th Nveber.

  The luc persn ______ wins the cpetitin will receive a new caera.

  Get ur caera and start taing ur phts nw!

  es: that /which that /which that /which that /which that /which

  wh / that which wh / that

  Step 3 Learning t learn

  In an English-speaing cuntries, the use tw sstes f easureent: iperial (inch, ft, ard, ile, pund) and etric (illietre, centietre, etre, ilere, ilgra). u als need t recgnise their shrt frs (in, ft, d, l, lb; , c, , , g).