

  甲方:Party A:

  乙方:Party B:


  After Party A gained the consent and written letters of authorization for land circulation from the associated contract holding farm households and ____ and based on principles of free will and equality as well as the national laws, regulations and land policies, Party A and Party B have reached agreement, through friendly negotiations, on Party A’s leasing land planned ___to Party B for the purpose to build ____as follows,

  一、租赁范围:Lease Scope

  二、租赁期限:Lease Duration

  (1). 乙方租赁甲方土地的年限为___年___个月(不得超过甲方农户的土地承包年限),自_____年___月___日至____年___月___日(“租赁期限”)。____年___月___日租赁起始日。

  Party A will lease the Lease Land to Party B for ___ years and ___ months starting from __ to ___ (the lease duration should be within the land contract period of the contract holding farm household contract) (hereinafter referred to as “Lease Duration”). ___ is the leasing commencement date.

  (2). 租赁期限期满后如乙方需继续租赁,则须在租赁期限期满前___个月通知甲方协商。在同等条件下,乙方对该租赁土地有优先承租权。

  In case Party B wants to continue leasing the land upon the expiration of the Lease Duration, Party B should inform Party A for negotiation ___ months prior to the expiration of the Lease Duration. Under the same conditions, Party B has the right of first refusal for renting the Lease Land.

  三、租赁费用:Lease Price

  (1). 双方一致同意,该租赁土地的第一租约年年租金为每亩人民币___元。以租赁起始日起至次年的同期前一日为第一个租约年,以后每12个月的期间为一个租约年。