



  譬如说:如果你将来计划主修英文,最好推荐人之一是英文老师。如果你申请常春藤名校(IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL),推荐者若也是常春藤名校出身,则其推荐信将更有力。


  If he chose to, Richard could build an outstanding, even singular career for himself as a scholar of Brazilian history. Indeed, I have urged him more than once to seriously reconsider abandoning his Ph.D. work. But the reasons Richard gave me for wanting to pursue a law degree were so thoughtful, concrete, and persuasive that I eventually stopped trying. Though the contribution he could make to history would be substantial, he will likely make just as significant an impact in the law. I say that not because I am an expert in the law, but because I have recommended three students to Yale Law School who eventually earned J.D.s there, and Richard’s intellectual and language skills are at least as strong as theirs. He is without question among the top 1 percent of students I have worked with in my 25-year career. Feel free to contact me at the phone number or e-mail below if I can provide any more information about Richard Montacci.

