

  4. 甲乙双方任何一方提出解除合同,应提前壹个月书面通知对方 ( 本合同第8.1和 9.3条规定的情况除外)。该书面通知原则上应由双方签字。如接受通知一方不同意签字,则通知方可将该通知以挂号信的方式邮寄至下述对方地址即视为送达。但按照本合同第8.1条(1)、(2)、(3)、(5)项规定解除劳动合同的不必提前通知对方除外。

  If any party wants to terminate the labor contract, a written notice should be given to the other party 1 month in advance (exclusive of any one of article 8.1 and article 9.3). both parties should sign on this notice in principle. if the party receiving the notice is not willing to sign this notice, the notifying party shall post the notice by registered letter to the other party At the following address, which shall be deemed as delivery. according to any one of article 8. regulation 1. item (1),(2), (3),and (5),a written notice in advance is not required to be given by one party to the other party. party A’s address:

  第九条 双方约定其他条款 article 9 other provisions agreed by parties

  1. 在合同期间,所有与甲方雇用有关或执行甲方的任务或者主要是利用甲方提供的条件所完成的发明创造和成绩,无论是通过脑力或体力,均属职务发明创造,归甲方所有,未经甲方批准不得以乙方名义申请专利,不得对外公开或交付其他方使用。

  All inventions and other achievements of party B whatever through intellectual as well as physical, which are made during and in connection with the employment at party A, or for completing the assignment of party A, or by the condition provided by party A, shall be deemed as employment invention and achievement and therefore belong to party A. without the approval by party A, party B shall not apply for patents and make it public and use it by other methods in the name of party B.

  2. 对于甲方在本合同期内向乙方提供的培训,乙方应遵守甲方的培训规定, 并不得向第三方泄露培训涉及的`事宜.

  For each training provided by party A to party B during the term of the contract, party B shall follow the traininging instructions of party A strictly. any information provided relating to such training is not allowed to be disclosed to any third party.


  Where party B has access to technical, patent or management secrets, it is strictly forbidden for party B to leak out any of these information to any third party, even after termination of this contract. if party B wants to terminate this contract he should notify party A 6 months in advance with written resignation letter so that party A may move the position of party B. party B agrees that during said period, the income of party B is calculated according to the income standard for new position for party B.

  第十条 违约责任 article 10 breach liability

  1. 乙方违反本合同第八条第3款和第4款规定的时限解除劳动合同,必须支付相当于乙方一个月收入的赔偿金。

  If party B violates the provisions relating to the time for terminating the contract prescribed in article 8. regulation 3 and 4 to terminate the contract, such party shall pay one-month income of party B to the other party As compensation.

  2.无论双方以任何形式解除劳动关系,乙方必须及时根据甲方的要求办理完整工作交接手续,否则甲方将要求乙方支付相当于乙方一个月收入乘以乙方在甲方工作年限数的赔偿金。 Party B shall completely hand over the job in time to party A no matter under which condition to terminating the contract, otherwise party B should pay party A a compensation, amounting to one month income of party B multiplying the amount of years party B has been working for party A.

  3. 乙方如违反本合同第九条任意一款,乙方必须支付甲方至少50,000元人民币。

  If party B violates any regulation of article 9. party B shall pay at least 50,000 rmb a penalty to party A.

  第十一条 劳动争议 article 11 dispute

  本合同在上海签订. 甲乙双方发生劳动争议时,由争议的一方或双方向上海市 区劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。

  this contract is signed by both parties in shanghai. if any dispute arises between party A and party B, the dispute can be solved by applying for arbitration with the district’s labor arbitration committee of shanghai.

  第十二条 其他 article 12 miscellaneous

  1. 本合同一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,经甲方法定代表人或授权人签字和乙方签字并加盖甲方公章后生效。两份合同具有同等的法律效力。双方间的劳动关系正式从乙方的招工录用手续办理完毕之日起开始计算。

  The contract is made in 2 originals, each party holding one. this contract becomes effective upon the execution of the legal representative of party A or authorized persons and party B, together with the company seal of party A. both originals have the same legal force. the labor relationship between both parties shall formally commerce as from the date of the completion of recruitment of party B.

  2. 本合同签署后,乙方应配合甲方办理其招工录用手续。如因乙方个人原因导致招工录用手续无法及时办理完毕,乙方应承担由此引起的一切后果。

  After the execution of this contract, party B shall cooperate with party A to handle the procedure of recruitment. in the event that party B’s personal reason causes the failure of completion of such recruitment, party B shall bear all liability incurred.

  3. 如果与合同条款有关的国家法律法规有所变更, 该合同其他部份将继续有效。

  If any clause or regulation of this contract is or will become invalid due to the change of national laws and regulations, the rest of this contract will remain valid.


  The internal rules and employee handbook stipulated or modified by party A from time to time constitute a part of this contract.

  甲方: party A: 代表: representative: 盖章: stamp

  乙方 party B: 身份证号码







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