

 第四章 劳务派遣特别规定

  Chapter IV Special Provisions on Labor Dispatch

  第二十八条 用人单位或者其所属单位出资或者合伙设立的劳务派遣单位,向本单位或者所属单位派遣劳动者的,属于劳动合同法第六十七条 规定的不得设立的劳务派遣单位。

  Article 28 According to Article 67 of the Employment Contract Law, a labor dispatch entity funded by an employer or a subsidiary entity thereof or established in the form of partnership may not dispatch any employee to the employer or the subsidiary entity.

  第二十九条 用工单位应当履行劳动合同法第六十二条 规定的义务,维护被派遣劳动者的合法权益。

  Article 29 An employer shall fulfill its obligations set forth in Article 62 of the Employment Contract Law and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the dispatched employees.

  第三十条 劳务派遣单位不得以非全日制用工形式招用被派遣劳动者。

  Article 30 No labor dispatch entity may employ part-time to-be-dispatched employees.

  第三十一条 劳务派遣单位或者被派遣劳动者依法解除、终止劳动合同的经济补偿,依照劳动合同法第四十六条 、第四十七条 的规定执行。

  Article 31 Economic compensations to be made after a labor dispatch entity or a dispatched employee has lawfully dissolved or terminated the employment contract shall be made according to Article 46 or 47 of the Employment Contract Law.

  第三十二条 劳务派遣单位违法解除或者终止被派遣劳动者的劳动合同的,依照劳动合同法第四十八条 的规定执行。

  Article 32 Where any labor dispatch entity illegally dissolves or terminates the employment contract with a dispatched employee, Article 48 of the Employment Contract Law shall apply.

第五章 法律责任

  Chapter V Legal Liability

  第三十三条 用人单位违反劳动合同法有关建立职工名册规定的,由劳动行政部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,由劳动行政部门处2000元以上2万元以下的罚款。

  Article 33 Where any employer violates the provisions of the Employment Contract Law on setting up a roster of employees, the competent labor administrative department shall order it to correct within a certain time limit, and, if it fails to do so, impose a fine of not more than 20,000 yuan but not less than 2000 yuan upon it.

  第三十四条 用人单位依照劳动合同法的规定应当向劳动者每月支付两倍的工资或者应当向劳动者支付赔偿金而未支付的,劳动行政部门应当责令用人单位支付。

  Article 34 Where any employer fails to pay employee his monthly wages in double amount or compensations when it is so required by the Employment Contract Law, the competent labor administrative department shall order it to make the payment.

  第三十五条 用工单位违反劳动合同法和本条例有关劳务派遣规定的,由劳动行政部门和其他有关主管部门责令改正;情节严重的,以每位被派遣劳动者1000元以上5000元以下的标准处以罚款;给被派遣劳动者造成损害的,劳务派遣单位和用工单位承担连带赔偿责任。

  Article 35 Where any employer violates the provisions of the Employment Contract Law or this Regulation on dispatching employees, the competent labor administrative department or other competent department shall order it to correct and, if the circumstances are serious, impose a fine of 1000 yuan to 5000 yuan per dispatched employee. If any damages have been caused to the dispatched employee, the dispatch entity and the employer shall assume joint and several liabilities.

 第六章 附则

  Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

  第三十六条 对违反劳动合同法和本条例的行为的投诉、举报,县级以上地方人民政府劳动行政部门依照《劳动保障监察条例》的规定处理。

  Article 36 For the reported or complained acts in violation of the Employment Contract Law or this Regulation, the labor administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall handle them according to the Regulation on Labor Security Supervision.

  第三十七条 劳动者与用人单位因订立、履行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同发生争议的,依照《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》的规定处理。

  Article 37 For any dispute occurred in the conclusion, performance, modification, dissolution or termination of an employment contract between an employee and his employer, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes shall apply.

  第三十八条 本条例自公布之日起施行。

  Article 38 This Regulation shall come into force on the date of promulgation.








