

  Mdule 4 A Scial Surve---M Neighburhd


  Graar and Writing?

  The General Idea f This Perid?

  Get the students t stud further abut the graar: The Present Perfect Tense. Practice and iprve the students’ writing abilit. At the sae tie guide the Ss hw t prnunce? the stressed wrds in sentences.?

  Teaching Ais?

  1. The students will be able t learn re abut the Present Perfect Tense.

  2. Iprve the students’ writing abilit.??

  3. Practise prnuncing the stressed wrds in sentences.?

  Teaching Iprtant Pints?

  Hw t iprve the Ss’ prnunciatin and writing abilit.?

  Teaching Difficult Pint?

  Hw t help the Ss t learn the Present Perfect Tense.?

  Teaching Methds?

  Taling, practicing and writing.?

  Teaching Aids?

  1. the ultiedia?

  2. the blacbard?

  Teaching Prcedures?

  ?Step 1 Greetings?

  Greet the whle class as usual.?

  ?Step 2 Revisin?

  T: We have learned sething abut the Present Perfect Tense. Let’s l at these sentences.?

  (Shw the n the screen.)?

  Sa “True” r “False”:?

  1. I have read the instructin b but I dn’t understand it.( )?

  2. I have written the letter, but I haven’t psted it et.( )?

  3. I can’t find glasses. Have u seen it?( )?

  4. I have bught the pen fr three ears.( )?

  5. The b has fallen ill fr tw das.( )?

  6. Miss Li has ce here since 2001.( )?

  Get the Ss t sa “True” r “False” and crrect the. Give re explanatin abut hw t use the verbs and tie. e.g. in, lst, bu, brrw, leave, g, ce, arrive, die, arr, finish, cplete, begin, start, etc. 在肯定句中不能和一段时间连用,要表达“他已完成工作三小时了”可用:??

  1. He finished the wr three hurs ag.?

  2. He has been thrugh the wr fr 3 hurs.?

  3. It is/has been three hurs since he finished the wr.?

  Suggested answer:

  1.True 2.True ?3.True ?4.False ?5.False? 6.False?

  ?Step 3 Practice?

  T: Let’s l at this exercise: (shw)

  Chse the crrect answers: ?

  1. The price ________ but I dubt whether it will reain s.?

  A. went dwn

  B. will g dwn?

  C has gne dwn

  D. was ging dwn?

  2.—u l lie gd friends.?

  —es, we are. We ________ each ther since childhd. ?

  A. new

  B. gt t nw?

  C. have been nwing

  D. have nwn?

  3.—Oh, it’s u! I didn’t recgnize u.?

  —I ________ hair cut and I ________ new glasses.?

  A had; was wearing

  B. have had; a wearing?

  C had; wre

  D. have; had wear?

  4.—We haven’t heard fr ane fr a lng tie.?

  —What d u suppse ________ t her?

  A. was happened

  B. t happen?

  C. has happened

  D. having happened?

  5. u dn’t need t describe her. I ________ her several ties.?

  A. had et

  B. have et?

  C. et

  D. eet?

  (Chec the answers with the whle class.)?

  Suggested answers: ?

  1 “价格已经降了下来”,此处使用现在完成时表示现在时间内的已有状态。?

  2.D 从since childhd可知主句一定用现在完成时态,C项用现在完成进行时,动词一般不用状态动词。?

  3.B 甲没有认出乙的原因是乙刚理过发并戴了副新眼镜。?

  4 第一句是信息句,所用时态是现在完成时,答语中的时态也应用现在完成时。?

  5.B 现在完成时可表示过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响或结果,问话人以这样的时态发问可体现其焦急的心情。?

  ?Step 4 Prnunciatin?

  T: Please pen ur bs at Page 37.?

  L at the dialgue. Listen t the tape carefull. Pa attentin t the stressed wrds in sentences.?

  (Pla the tape fr the students listening. Then get several t read it. Chec the istaes with the whle class. At the sae tie give se explanatin.)?

  ?Step 5 Practice?

  T: Writing is iprtant fr us. We shuld ften practise. But first let’s l at these sentences. (shw)?

  Cplete the sentences with “and” “but” and “r”.?

  1.—I dn’t lie fish ________ chicen,and u?

  —I dn’t lie fish ________ I lie chicen ver uch.?

  2. There was n pian in the r ________ the singer didn’t ind. ?

  3. The da breas, ________ the birds are singing.?

  4.—Can u lend e a pund?

  —I’ srr, ________ I can’t.?

  5. The changes in the cit will cst quite a lt, ________ the will save us ne in the lng run.?

  6.—Clse the windw, ________ u’ll catch a cld. ?

  —O, ________ u’d better nt se.?

  (Chec the answer with the whle class.)?

  Suggested answers: ?

  1.r,but 2.but 3.and 4.but ?5.but??6.r, but??

  ?Step 6 Writing?

  T: Please l at the paragraph.(shw)?

  Nw cplete the paragraph belw with “and” ?r “ but”.?

  Cities are exciting, interesting places t live,?1 I have alwas ened living in the, as there is s uch t d ?2 see. There are useus, cineas, theatres, art galleries, pars, cffee bars, clubs 3 an ther places where peple can eet 4 exchange ideas.?5 ?there is tie when I need the peace 6 quiet f the cuntrside. Cities are ?interesting,? 7 the can be beautiful,?8?the are never beautiful in the wa that the cuntrside is beautiful. B this I ean that the d nt have the beaut f nature, trees 9 ?hills, laes 10?streas.I lve cities,?11 there are ties when I need t get ut int the cuntrside ?12 get awa fr the nise, the dirt ?13 the peple. I thin that there are an peple wh feel the sae wa.

  (Get the Ss t read it and fill in the blans. Chec the answers with the whle class.)?

  Suggested answers: ?

  1.and 2.and 3.and 4.and 5.but?6.and 7.and? 8.But 9.and 10.and?11.but 12.and? 13.and?

  T: Nw please tr t write a shrt paragraph t intrduce a cuntr, a cit r a village. Use “and” and “but”.?



  Britain is in the nrthwest f Eurpe. Its fficial(正式的) nae is the United ingd(王国) f Great Britain and Nrthern Ireland (the U..)and it is ade up f(由……组成) England, Sctland, Wales, Nrthern Ireland and se ther saller islands(岛屿).?

  The ttal area f the U. . is 244 000 square ileters and its ppulatin is abut 55 illin. Abut 46 illin live in England. ?

  The capital f Britain is Lndn. It is a cit f 8 illin peple. And it is ne f the wrld’s st iprtant financial(金融的) centers, and Britain’s ain center f trade and cunicatin. The West End(伦敦西区),faus fr its shps, theatres and restaurants, attracts a great nuber f turists ever ear. Other parts f Lndn are ften uch prer, especiall the East End. ?

  The British educatinal sste is a cplicated(复杂的) ne, cpared with(与……相比) the Chinese educatinal sste. British higher educatin has a lng histr. There are ver frt universities. The wrd-faus universities, Oxfrd and Cabridge, are the ldest dating(追溯) fr 1167 and 1284.?

  ?Step 7 Hewr?

  1. Cplete the exercise in ur bs.?

  2. Read the paragraph f the writing.?

  3. Cplete ur writing.?

  ?Step 8 The Design f the Writing n the Blacbard?

  Mdule 4 A Scial Surver —M


  The Fifth Perid?

  1. in,lst,bu,brrw,leave,g,?ce,?arrive,arr,finish,cplete,begin,start等终止性动词,其肯定句不能和段时间连用。??

  2. He finished the wr three hurs ag.?

  He has been thrugh the wr fr 3 hurs.?

  It is has been 3 hurs since he finished the wr.

  ?Step 9 Activit and Inquir?

  Write abut where u live.?

  StepsStudents’ ActingTeacher’s Organizing

  1Cllect aterialsTell hw t d

  2DiscussIntrduce hw t write
