



  Unit 7 What des he l lie?

  (Sectin B)

  StepⅠ. Teaching Ais and Deands

  1. n Elicit the ans

  2 As students t write five new wrds in their Vcab-builder.

  3 Have a careful l at the peple and describe what the l lie.

  4 As all the students t l at the cartn pictures and read the cnversatin.

  Step Ⅷ Suar

  Suar the nwledge f this unit.

  StepⅨ Hewr

  Review all the nwledge pints in this unit.

  Blacbard design

  Unit 7 What des he l lie?

  He’s ediu height.

  He has curl, blac hair.

  He is thin.

  He wears glasses. He has a blac ustache.