


  My hometown is in henan, where tree-lined, the air is fresh, the four seasons have different views.

  In the spring, trees grow new leaves, it is a new life. Melting of river water, and began to pour the cheerful, hibernate frogs, and began to play, sing the joy, rhythmic songs "quack......" ......

  This is a spring for revival.

  Summer, is a hot season, so, my brother and I, take a swim ring (in fact, the waste tyre) to the river to go swimming, a river of the water is very clear, clear can see the bottom of sand, we can play, until sunset xishan. Back home, eat ice cream, while watching TV, when the fan open, and air conditioning.

  This is the joy of summer.

  Autumn is a season of harvest, industrious people, starting to work. And as for me, I also just want to find some work, I heard grandma loudly call: "kou kou, go, let's go to the fields to receive food!" I'm glad to picked up the basket and grandma came to the garden. I saw in the garden colorful, spiky chili, other delectable pumpkin, long beans like a braid... I am happy with a basket, began to collect food.

  This is the season of harvest.

  It's winter, snow, thick snow covered a layer of white bed, to the crops on the ground of a pile of snow, the children began to snowball fights, make a snowman and fun.

  This is snow in winter.

  This is my hometown.









