


  After six years of primary school, we have joined the bilingual school and become a middle school student. We are proud of ourselves. Today, I have the honor to speak here on behalf of the freshman, and I am extremely excited.

  Students, new semester opens new hope, new blank holds new dream. In order to make our dreams become a reality, we listen carefully to the teacher's teaching, continuous efforts to study and explore. There are knowledgeable, serious and responsible teacher, have a high spirit, studious aspirant, strives for realism the innovation of the students. It is an honor for each of us to get involved in such a learning environment. I believe that in the future study, we will make a further progress!

  As the saying goes, "there is no royal road to learning." Learning is no shortcut, so we shouldn't be frightened, to the strict discipline and high morale into the study, play the spirit of arduous struggle, never let go of difficulties, will encounter difficulties, and expand the knowledge, do not do "two ear not smell out of the window, read only sage with books" nerd.

  Of course, we should strictly abide by the daily rules and regulations of the school, consciously restrain our own behaviors, and gradually change the requirements of the daily routine into voluntary actions. At the same time, we should observe the social order, cultivate noble social morality, and show the presence of bilingual students to the whole society.

  Students, "bao jianfeng from grinding out, plum blossom from the bitter cold." We can only gain if we give. I believe that under the teacher's care, under the teacher's hard cultivation, and through our unremitting efforts. After three years, we will be a qualified middle school student with morality, culture and discipline, giving a satisfactory answer to the school.

  New term has come, let us all the new students with a good hope, in the full spirit to meet new challenges, with hard work to climb the peak of wisdom, with knowledge of the golden key to open the door to success! Today, we are proud to be bilingual. Tomorrow, let our school be proud of us! Thank you.