




  After every illness, I can feel the fragility of life deeply. As if life is a thread, it will break slowly with a touch. SARS that year I was an ignorant little baby, can not feel the panic around me. The novel coronavirus is 18 years old and I feel very valuable about life.


  There's nothing smooth. It's just someone loading you. I feel so lucky now that I am still healthy with my parents. Pay attention to the new situation of the epidemic in real time every day, and watch the increasing number and comments from all walks of life on the Internet. On the one hand, I am proud of the rapid development of China's network, and on the other hand, I am worried about the quality of the Chinese people. There will be people spreading rumors on the Internet, spreading rumors wantonly, inciting people and causing panic. Someone will pick up the used masks and sell them. Someone will take advantage of this to raise the price of masks. I wonder if they can't see the angel in white who is still fighting in the front line? Can't they see the passing life? Isn't their heart made of meat? This series of things let me improve my understanding of the world again and again. I often look at it with tears in my eyes, probably because I am a more sensitive person, and I feel most moved by the young volunteers who volunteered to support Wuhan without any return. I have learned more from them than from those who are obsessed with profit. No matter which corner of the world you are, we live together on the same earth, we are one family, and we are always together, as long as you need, I will help you. There is also an old man whose words make people all over the country settle down and sit at home without fear. I deeply admire such an old man. I am determined to learn from him. No matter what post I will be engaged in in in the future, I will stick to the last moment and never give up. I am keen on my career. I think the best poem to praise him is some people written by Zang Ke's family.


  In the outbreak of the epidemic, the people of the whole country joined hands to join hands and put themselves into the front line. I am deeply moved that our Greater China will always protect us. As a candidate for this year's college entrance examination, I deeply hope that those who spread information on the Internet will stop your fingers and touch your conscience and say to yourself, "I am a Chinese.". I hope that those angels in white who are fighting in the front line, may you first protect our health safely. I hope that those workers who are carrying out the Leishan hospital project will pay attention to safety first and then make every effort to build it. I hope that those students who stay at home will not relax and study hard and become the people who will protect our motherland after graduation.


  Life is precious, and the body is the capital of all labor. I suggest that those who stay at home, you should not be lazy, to do appropriate exercise at home. When you go out, you must wear a mask. I am for everyone and everyone is for me. All major marketing places in the society should pay attention to disinfection treatment to provide safe places for the public. Do a good job of psychological work for each of us, don't panic, and contribute to the people of Wuhan as much as possible.


  Whether you have white skin, black skin or yellow skin, whether you are Chinese, American or a certain Chinese, please remember that we are all one family, fighting against the epidemic, we have always been together.



  At the end of 2019, a kind of pneumonia caused by unknown causes suddenly broke out in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, and gradually spread to the whole province, the whole country and even abroad. Soon, scientists proved novel coronavirus infection caused by pneumonia, because it is highly contagious, and the number of infected people is increasing. The situation is very serious.


  A war without gunpowder has started in China, and Wuhan has become the most serious epidemic area. The number of people infected in Wuhan accounts for nearly 40% of the total number of people infected in China. Wuhan is in a hurry! At this most critical moment, many medical workers across the country came forward to support Wuhan at the first time. There is the most dangerous place, but they go against the trend regardless of their own life safety. They take the life safety and health of the people as the first priority, and their greatest commitment and responsibility is to save the dead and help the wounded. They are soldiers in white, warriors fighting against the virus, the great wall of steel to protect our health, and the most lovely people in the world!


  Thanks to the aunts and uncles fighting in the front line, because of your fearlessness and hard work, we have peace and health. I hope you can come back safely as soon as possible. We are waiting for you here!


  Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!



  Pay New Year's call to novel coronavirus, or NCP, which is cancelled in the year of the rat. The new year's Eve is different from usual. Mom and dad cancelled the new year's Eve dinner and dinner, cancelled the holiday travel and cancelled all outdoor activities, because there is a new virus that is called a new coronavirus, or NCP. The virus comes from wild animals. Due to accidental reasons, when people contact with wild animals, the virus is transmitted to humans.


  It is difficult for human beings to resist this new virus, so when they are ill, they will have fever, dry cough, dyspnea and other emergency symptoms. The most serious place of this virus is that it can be transmitted to people. Therefore, in order to prevent the virus, we should go out less, wash our hands frequently, wear masks when going out, and do not go to densely populated places. Not getting sick is the best contribution to this campaign.


  Now there are many brave and professional doctors, aunts and nurses in the hospital. They are diagnosing, treating and caring for the infected patients day and night, regardless of the risk of infection. We want to thank these angels in white, because of them, we have a comfortable life.


  I believe that as long as we all stick to it, one day, mom and dad will tell us, "we finally won the battle of the virus!"









