




  Personal information


  Gender: male

  Ethnic composition: the han nationality of birth: June 2, 1973

  Marital status: married

  Height: 170 cm weight: 170 kg

  Registration: fujian putian Home now: fujian putian HanJiang area

  Graduate school: wuxi institute of light industry degree: college

  Professional title: financial management of financial and economics graduation year: 1994

  Working experience: more than ten years The highest title: other


  Job nature: full post

  Job categories: financial/audit/tax

  Job title: accounting;

  Working area: - putian, fujian HanJiang area;

  Salary: (interview) yuan a month Do not need to provide housing

  Starting time: can arrive at any time

  Education and training

  Education background:

  Time to school education

  In July 1991 - July 1994 Wuxi institute of light industry college

  Work experience

  Company: PuTian County construction engineering corporation

  Time range: in October 1994 - June 2000

  Nature of the company: collective enterprises

  Related industries: construction, real estate, property management, decoration

  Position: accounting materials

  Job description: 1, responsible for the company's material enters sells saves the amortization and cost, and the entry of cash, bank vouchers. 2, responsible for the material cost accounting work, the audit material warehouse and outbound documents, input material related vouchers, registration of subsidiary ledger and general ledger monthly report and document materials, aiming at the existing problem of warehouse solutions are put forward. 3, check the inventory and outbound registration, and inventory on a regular basis to deal with the inventory differences.

  Leaving reason: change work environment

  Company: fujian delicate mould co., LTD

  Time range: in September 2000 - March 2006

  Company nature: privately operated/private companies

  Industry: production, manufacturing, and processing

  Position: accounting

  Job description: as a general ledger accounting, is responsible for the original documents audit summary, prepare all kinds of accounting documents and books, is responsible for the late reconciliation, ensure correspondence agreement; Check the cash journal and bank journal, ensure that the accounting certificate; Carry forward all the expenses, the cost and submit various reports.

  Leaving reason: change work environment

  Company: putian friends bazaar art frame industry co., LTD

  Time range: in June 2006 - December 2013

  Properties: the sino-foreign joint venture (joint venture, cooperation)

  Industry: production, manufacturing, and processing

  Position: accounting

  Job description: 1, proficient in corporate restructuring, assist finance investment, etc. 2, operation related tax, business and capital business 3, responsible for the company's current accounts and for all kinds of cost, reasonable expenditure budget and control. 4, familiar with uf financial software, and the preparation of various reports that tax, Treasury, etc.

  Leaving reason: the company liquidation

  Company: putian city HanJiang area of south China shoes co., LTD

  Time range: in February 2014 - November 2016

  Company nature: privately operated/private companies

  Industry: production, manufacturing, and processing

  Position: general ledger accounting

  Job description: 1, assist related project application, acceptance and provide financial information and 2, the preparation of various payment vouchers and accounting vouchers are complete, true and specifications. 3, according to the requirements of the company's financial and superior, financial accounting, preparation of monthly, quarterly, annual financial statements. 4, to the financial daily data source controls, formulate and improve relevant financial and operating processes 5, is responsible for controls capital business and formulate the corresponding specification system;

  Leaving reason: change work environment

  Other information

  Self assessment: I have many years of experience in financial management work, has the strong ability of financial management, communication and coordination ability. A stable personality, serious and responsible work, initiative, can bear hardships and stand hard work, have a strong team spirit and strong ability to adapt; Discipline is strong, work actively cooperate with.




  性别: 男

  民族: 汉族 出生年月: 1973年6月2日

  婚姻状况: 已婚

  身高: 170cm 体重: 70kg

  户籍: 福建莆田 现所在地: 福建莆田涵江区

  毕业学校: 无锡轻工业学院 学历: 专科

  专业名称: 财经类 财务管理 毕业年份: 1994年

  工作经验: 十年以上 最高职称: 其他


  职位性质: 全 职

  职位类别: 财务/审计/税务

  职位名称: 会计 ;

  工作地区: 福建-莆田涵江区 ;

  待遇要求: (面谈)元/月 不需要提供住房

  到职时间: 可随时到岗



  时间 所在学校 学历

  1991年7月 - 1994年7月 无锡轻工业学院 专科


  所在公司: 莆田县建筑工程总公司

  时间范围: 1994年10月 - 2000年6月

  公司性质: 集体企业

  所属行业: 建筑、房地产、物业管理、装潢

  担任职位: 材料会计

  工作描述: 1、负责公司的材料的进销存和成本摊销,还有现金、银行凭证的录入。2、负责材料成本核算工作,审核仓库材料进出库单据,录入材料相关凭证、登记材料明细账及总账并编制材料月报表,针对仓库存在的问题提出解决方案。3、登记核对存货进出库情况,定期进行存货盘点,进行存货差异处理工作。

  离职原因: 换工作环境

  所在公司: 福建精致模具有限公司

  时间范围: 2000年9月 - 2006年3月

  公司性质: 民营/私营公司

  所属行业: 生产、制造、加工

  担任职位: 会计

  工作描述: 任总账会计一职,负责原始凭证的.审核汇总、编制各类会计凭证并入账,月末负责往来对账,确保往来一致;核对现金日记账及银行日记账,保证账证相符;结转各项费用、成本并提交各类报表 。

  离职原因: 换工作环境

  所在公司: 莆田市集友艺术框业有限公司

  时间范围: 2006年6月 - 2013年12月

  公司性质: 中外合营(合资.合作)

  所属行业: 生产、制造、加工

  担任职位: 会计

  工作描述: 1、熟练公司重组、协助融资投资等2、操作公司相关的税务、工商及资金业务 3、负责公司往来账目和对各类费用、支出进行合理预算和控制。4、熟练使用用友财务软件及编制税务、财政等的各类报表。

  离职原因: 公司清算

  所在公司: 莆田市涵江区华南鞋业有限公司

  时间范围: 2014年2月 - 2016年11月

  公司性质: 民营/私营公司

  所属行业: 生产、制造、加工

  担任职位: 总账会计

  工作描述: 1、协助相关项目的申报与验收并提供财务资料2、编制各种收支凭证、会计凭证的完整、真实和规范。3、按照公司财务和上级的要求,组织财务核算,编制月、季、年度各类财务报表。4、对财务日常数据来源进行管控,制定并不断完善相关的财务流程和操作流程 5、负责对公司资金业务进行管控并制定相应的规范制度;

  离职原因: 换工作环境


  自我评价: 本人具有多年财务管理工作经验,具有较强的财务管理能力、沟通协调能力。性格稳重,工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,有强烈的团队协作精神以及较强的适应能力;纪律性强,工作积极配合。








