





  Gender: female

  Age: 25 years old height: 155CM

  Marital status: unmarried household registration: bijie, guizhou province

  Highest degree: bachelor's working experience: less than 1 year

  Contact address: the yunyan area of guiyang city

  Job intention

  Expected work place: guizhou/guiyang city

  Expected position: full-time

  Expected salary: RMB 3000 ~ 4000 yuan/month

  Expected position: network engineer, clerk/secretary, other financial position

  Skills and specialties

  Specialty: in practice, individual solely responsible for product in guizhou area data support and after sales operations, and help the customer manager to promote products, to provide product manuals, user manuals and other documents, look forward to in the future work independent, improve their work force.

  Education experience

  Guizhou university (undergraduate)

  Date: August 2010 to July 2014

  School name: guizhou university

  Professional name: information security

  Degree: bachelor degree

  Work experience

  Tonglian payment co., LTD. - operation and maintenance

  Starting and ending date: July 2015 to July 2016

  Enterprise name: tonglian pay co., LTD

  Position: operation and maintenance

  Performance: 1. Responsible for the entry and approval of merchants and the registration of subsequent accounts; Ii. Data filling and statistics work; Third, connect all kinds of channels, and make the transfer and preservation work of all kinds of documents.



  Gender: male

  Age: 24 years old height: 183CM

  Marital status: unmarried registered residence: guiyang city

  Highest degree: bachelor's working experience: less than 1 year

  Contact address: guiyang city

  Job intention

  Expected work place: guizhou/guiyang city

  Expected position: full-time

  Expected salary: negotiable

  Expected position: network engineer, network administrator

  Skills and specialties

  Skills talents: fresh graduates, during the period of school served as the student cadre, monitor, have certain ability of organization, individual learning ability, accept knowledge quickly, most can be familiar with office software application.

  Education experience

  Guizhou normal college (undergraduate)

  Beginning of the month: September 2012 to July 2016

  School name: guizhou normal college

  Professional name: computer science and technology

  Degree: bachelor degree








