



英语作文 篇1

  The wind blew away the dandelions and flew to the blue sky. That day was the day we parted. Again, six years ago, that was the day we met. I have to say, time really goes too fast. It was like smoke, instant, vanished without a trace.

  Remember that day, it was the last time we set foot in primary school. I can't help thinking of myself when I look at the freshmen in the lower grade. Holding the hand of my father and mother, and carrying my favorite new schoolbag, I took a happy step, like a bird, chirping and chattering. But time dragged us back to reality, and our steps were not so cheerful, but with a little heaviness and sadness.

  Walking into the campus as usual, I thought to myself, "time, can you walk a little slower, this is our last walk together." Though the road had gone more than once, this time it was hoped that the road would never end. I remember walking with the dead party in the same sky, chasing, laughing and growing together. Through countless beautiful and simple moments in the familiar campus, slowly but gradually become the eternal memory, buried in the heart, the most soft place.

  Going into the classroom, as usual, everyone was making a scene, but no one wanted to talk about graduation. There are also some emotional girls, tears in the eye socket, but hard not let it flow. Maybe we grew up on that day. Know how to bury their emotions, but who knows, to each other.

  "Keep some memories in mind; Say some words, in your heart; Sing an old song, in the air; Write some words, in the years." This is a sentence that is seen in a book, a very simple sentence, but it is the last thing we want to hear or see, because it means the coming of separation. That day we graduated...

英语作文 篇2

  The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

  As we can see, from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer in the picture, which indicates the development of the way people write with. Under each one of them, there are two Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”. Obviously, the two characters under the computer are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity of computer people’s writing ability has deteriorated.

  This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after the popularity of computer. There is no doubt that our life has become much easier owing to the conveniences computer has brought. However, people have depended so much on computer that they can hardly do things well without it, which result in the degeneration in some abilities, such as writing ability and communication ability. In this sense, computer has made us go backward.

  Alarmed by the issue reflected in the picture, we should do something to prevent ourselves from the side effects of computer. As far as I am concerned, we should limit the time we spend on computer and try to develop as many good habits as possible in spare time.

英语作文 篇3

  com Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love to the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not a smothering of the person or a possessive clinging。 I’m concerned about his growth and I hope he will become all that he can become, and never put up roadblocks to what he does that enhances him as a person。

  Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love。 See him as a separate person, with his own values and thoughts and feelings, and I don’t insist that he surrender his identity and conform to an image of what I expect him to be for me 。I can allow and encourage him to stand alone and to be who he is, and I avoid treating him as an object or using him primarily to gratify my own needs。

  In short, in love two beings become one and yet remain twoWHAT IS LOVE?

英语作文 篇4

  端午节到了。我们一家人在包粽子,材料也很充足,有花生、有绿豆、有红枣、还有一些江米和粽叶。开始包粽子了,其实包粽子很简单,先把粽叶窝成一个漏斗形状,放一些江米,几粒花生 、绿豆和一个红枣,最顶上再放一些米,然后浇些水,妈妈说这样棕子可以更实在一些,水漏完之后就可以包起来了。我们包了很多粽子,粽子熟了以后沾着糖吃软软的甜甜的很好吃,真开心呀。

  Dragon Boat Festival is here. Our family is making zongzi, and the materials are also abundant. There are peanuts, green beans, red dates, some rice and Zongye. Starting to make zongzi, in fact, it's very simple to make zongzi. First, nest the zongzi leaves into a funnel shape, put some rice, a few peanuts, green beans and a red date on the top, then put some rice on the top, and then pour some water. Mother said that this way, the brown rice can be more real, and then it can be wrapped after the water leakage. We made a lot of zongzi. When the zongzi are cooked, they will eat soft and sweet with sugar. It's very delicious. It's so happy.

英语作文 篇5

  The career you choose will affect the future course(历程) of your life, such as your range(类别) of friend, your choice of husband or wife, your recreational(消遣) activities, and other important aspects.

  To make a wise decision, you must firstly have a clear knowledge of your abilities, interests and aims. Then try to find out the kind of occupation in which you can find success and satisfaction. Secondly, you have to weigh carefully the immediate(直接的) advantages against the long-term prospect(前途/希望) offered by the job you are considering. Be sure to ask your parents, teachers, and career advisers for useful suggestion and try to take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications(资格).

  In order to have a clear idea about the work that suits you the best, you should make a through study of jobs available. Obtain written materials or other such information as much as possible, and examine them from every angle before you make the final decision.

英语作文 篇6

  Everyone is looking for a good investment these days. And with stocks, currencies and companies all foundering, some are finding that taking the trip of a lifetime is actually a smart move right now. Prices are good, crowds are sparse and the dividends―expanded worldview, lifelong memories, the satisfaction of boosting the global economy―cant be easily snatched away. Sylvia and Paul Custerson, a retired couple from Cambridge, England, recently took a 16-day vacation to Namibia, where they went on safari and bird-watching excursions. Later this year, they are planning a trip to Patagonia. Were using our capital now, says Sylvia, 64. And why not? Were not getting any interest in the bank. If its a place we really want to go, were thinking, To hell with it! We may as well travel while were fit and healthy―and before the airlines go bust.

  Some travel agents are thriving in spite of the economy. Weve had more people booking in the first quarter of this year than last, says Hubert Moineau, founder of Paris-based Tselana Travel, which is planning to introduce a new program of longer adventure trips, including polar expeditions, gorilla tracking and cruises in the Galpagos. Were hearing things like, We dont know what the situation will be in six months so lets travel now. Ashley Toft, managing director of the U.K. tour operator Explore has been surprised to see an uptick in last-minute bookings of high-priced trips to such places as India, Bhutan and Nepal. It seems people would rather give up something else than the big trip, he says. Travel has become a necessity. Its just how we travel that is changing.

英语作文 篇7

  What i will talk about here may be radical to many and arouse criticism.I still think things definitely go wrong with the present educational policy.

  Students,whether they be small children or college boys,or even post graduates,are oriented to the passing of a disgustingly variety of tests/examinations. How often (virtually every night) do we see first graders bending for hours over homework,the sole purpose of which is to have high scores in exams so that they might go to better middle and high schools. When they are in high schools,things get worse.They will be still more exhausted preparing for the college entrance examination.And the toiling circle does not stop here. They will worry about further exams.Good examination results determine one's future. Under such influence everything can be sacrificed,including the students' health,parents' money,and most importantly,the quality of education,by which i mean genuine knowledge and skills which can not and should not be tested with exam scores.

  The outcome of such faults in the educational policy,although not intended,is that so many a student becomes sort of expert at doing exams and scores high.But they are not competent when they take up their careers. Such is the tragedy of the present education.Authorities may not admit the disturbing situation,but as an educator myself,i hold the issue self-evident. Things will have to be done to reverse the trend.

英语作文 篇8

  In recent years, many adapted classics have appeared and aroused a great concern constantly. In these adapted works, we can find that even some typical characters and the plot of the classics are changed. Why do the adapted classics become so popular?


  There are reasons I think can accounting for the phenomenon. First, there is no denying that the adaptation of classics is designated to cater for readers’ taste and the current trend, because a large number of people are absorbing by this kind of adapted works. Second, it is another way to absorb people’s attention and entertain people. Most of these adapted classics are funnier and easier to understand than the original one, and that arouse the readers more interest. Finally, the appearance of adapted classics is also a show of the conception of creativity.


  However, I am not appreciated this kind of action. For one thing, the adapted classics misinterpret the original meaning of the works and lower their real value. For another, it is a kind of destroy for our traditional culture and this kind of action will cause that our descendants have not chance to know and inherit our traditional culture.









