



运动会英语作文 篇1

  The long awaited sports meeting finally arrived.

  It was a clear morning. The opening ceremony of the exciting sports meeting was finally looked forward to.

  The teachers and students of our school came to the broad playground, the blazing sun, but not the heat of our heart.

  We watched quietly. One class after another, with the spirit of high and orderly pace, toward the front.

  Near, closer, and finally to our class.

  Each of our classmates, with an excited emotion, stood on the track. There was a firm step. We stepped forward with determination and pride, and shouted out our slogan...

  At this moment, we may have an idea in our hearts. This may be youth. On the playground, on the road of life, we are constantly running. We laugh, we work hard, we win. These are all beautiful memories.

  At the sports meeting, there was no need to worry too much, and bravely went to the end of the road, failed, and stood up to start over again. Succeed, keep working hard.

运动会英语作文 篇2


  It's the annual sports meeting again, we are waiting with full confidence!


  On Thursday morning, we walked happily through the neat square team, sat on the stairs and watched one wonderful program after another.


  It's time to start the competition. It's said that the teacher should take the lead. So the first competition is the PE teacher comparison of all grades. When Miss Zhang wins, we are happy and sad, because she represents the first competition of junior high school, but we don't know who represents the second competition of junior high school?


  At the beginning of the competition, the campus echoed the sound of "come on", which made the competition more intense and ended again. All represent the promotion of honor in our class. No matter it's a boy, a girl or a relay, there's another "first again" behind the cheering sound in our class, which makes Mr. Lu very happy. Although he can't see the teacher's face {the sun is too poisonous, and the teacher can't see his bag at all} it's the voice of the teacher's smile that reverberates around us all the time.


  After two days of hard work, the competition is over. It's time to give the prize. Hu fnai, the monitor of our class, didn't come down. When he went there, he was empty handed. When he came here, he was full of hands. Lu was happy. He bought us ice cream and asked us to take photos while eating. Lu also divided male students and female students. It's funny that when Lu took photos with male students, he took photos with male students


  "I am a flower," said the boy, "we are cow dung.".

运动会英语作文 篇3


  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, today, we finally ushered in the first sports meeting since entering school.


  There are lots of people on the playground, some of them are in fierce competition, some of them are warming up Finally came to my most anticipated project: Women's 800 meter long run. During the preparation, students and teachers came to me. Cheer me up and say: "long distance running is more endurance. Don't run too fast in the first few laps. Run hard in the last lap. Come on!"! "I'm a little nervous.


  When everything was ready, I walked slowly to the track with a nervous mood. When the starting gun "snapped", I opened my legs and rushed out. There were cheers and cheers all over my ears.


  After a while, I will surpass several athletes one by one. I feel my legs are getting heavier and heavier, but I just have the last lap left. I thought to myself: come on, go ahead of her. I tried my best to rush, listening to the cheers of my classmates, I felt a surge of strength in my heart, and my heavy legs seemed to be lightened. Finally, it's about to be finished. Seeing the distance is getting closer and closer, four meters, three meters "Yeah, I'm finished and I'm third!" There is an unspeakable joy in my heart. Students, have run to me hand me water to help me back to the classroom.


  Through this 800 meter long-distance race, I know that we should learn to persist in everything we meet. Only by persisting and not giving up can we succeed!









