

英语作文 篇5



  1. 写作角度






  2. 句子结构


  ● 句子主语不能太虚


  To solve this problem, first, we should establish a monitoring and feedback mechanism to keep environmental protection on the right track. Second, we should amend relevant rules and regulations. Third, we must observe these rules and regulations. Only in these ways can we have a brilliant future and maintain a sustainable development.

  点评:在这个结论段中,表示具体建议的句子都写得比较清楚,但是这几个句子使用的主语都是we,使用的句式也较为雷同(如“we should …”“we must …”等),这使整个段落显得单调、乏味。但如果我们稍微变换一下各个句子的主语,便能达到表意更明确、句式更多样的效果。再看下面变换主语之后的结论段。

  To solve this problem, it is important for the central authority to establish a monitoring and feedback mechanism to keep environmental protection on the right track. For another thing, the departments concerned are expected to amend relevant rules or regulations. As for the tourists, they must be required to observe such rules or regulations. If we can identify the cause of the problem, we can certainly find its cure.


  ● 尽量避免写空话


  3. 参考句型

  除了不要一味使用主语we外,为了避免结论段句式过于单调,考生还应尽量减少使用should、must、ought to等表示“应该”“必须”的词汇。下面列举几个重要句型供考生参考。

  ① The central authority is supposed to +动词 …

  ② The governmental departments at local levels are obliged to +动词 …

  ③ It is important for the general public to +动词 …

  ④ It is essential that journalists +动词 …

  ⑤ Journalists are expected to play their role in this issue: their task is to +动词 …


  ① As for the youth, they are supposed to extend a helping hand and treat other people with sincerity. (适用于“爱心”“友谊”等话题)

  ② As for the youth, they are supposed to think independently and cultivate their analytical and problem solving abilities. (适用于“教育”话题)

  ③ As for the youth, they are supposed to take on challenges, keep grace under pressure, but most important of all, strive for a goal. (适用于“信心”“独立”“自强不息精神”“成功”等话题)

  ④ As for the youth, they are supposed to shoulder responsibility rather than shift it to other people. (适用于“养老”“社会责任”等话题)

  ⑤ As for the youth, they are supposed to observe relevant rules and regulations. The best philosophy is to learn self-control. (适用于“网络”“行为自律”等话题)



  1. 写作角度


  2. 参考例句


  ① To sum up, this issue is so complicated that it seems in vain to seek simple solutions to it. Above all, it is people’s actions that count for the most in this issue.

  ② To sum up, it is important to take all aspects into consideration and attach each of them due weight.

  ③ Anyway, in view of the complexity of this issue, it is essential that we treat it from social, economical and cultural perspectives.

  ④ In a word, if we treat this issue with sincerity and enthusiasm, a brilliant future will be waiting for us.

  ⑤ If we can identify the cause of the problem, we can find its cure.




  从图画和文字说明可以看出,20xx年考研英语大作文的主题是“互助精神”(mutual support)。这显然是一个微观类的话题,考生在提出具体建议时,可以从微观层面的角度来提,如媒体加强宣传、公众落实行动等。对于结尾句,考生可以从“人们的态度在这一事件中起着重要作用”这一角度来写。在确定好相应的写作角度后,考生便可以利用上述列举的参考句型(例句)或自己设计的句型来进行结论段的写作。下面提供一个结尾的范例来供考生参考。

  To advocate the spirit of mutual support in our society, it is important for journalists to make clear the importance of mutual support in people’s daily life. In this way, citizens can treat this issue positively. As for the youth, they are supposed to extend a helping hand and treat others with sincerity. After all, it is people’s actions and attitudes that count for the most in this issue.
