life balance英语作文


life balance英语作文1

  Work and play are two important parts in people's life but some times they are contradictory whether we can balance them has much to do with our success.

life balance英语作文

  Some people think that we should do more work because everyone has a limited life and we should make as many contributions as we can to society.

  Besides we can acquire more knowledge and gain more experience by hard work which will help us a lot later in our life.

  Others believe that we should spare enough time for play.

  There is a saying that all work and no play makes John a dull boy. Play makes people feel relaxed and free them from the stress of work.

  In this sense it is also beneficial to our health. So if we don't play we can't work well. In my opinion we should do more work when we are young be cause we are energetic and we can spend more time playing and enjoying our life when we become aged.

  Of course we should never overdo things and never indulge ourselves with play.






life balance英语作文2

  As a studentwe know it is important to studyso we should spend more time on it.But it`s also necessary to relax yourself well.

  To make a balancewe should make a good plan to organize the time.

  For examplewe can do our homework first during the spare time then you can have a good rest.

  Don`t push yourself so hard or you will become ill.So just face to your study life with a correct attitudeand believe you can make great progress after your hard work.





life balance英语作文3

  When we have to face with our illness or even mortality many of us begin to wonder if we have made the right choices about our lives.

  Actually we can choose other paths to live in happiness and well being. Simply put having a good work life balance means you will feel happy with your life as a whole.

  How do we achieve a good work life balance? It takes planning and it takes action. First of all remember always making time for yourself.

  Trying to make our life more longer than expecting we need to quit our bad hobbies and keep mental health taking balanced diet and doing regular exercise is often a good way to follow too.

  Secondly learn to knowing your boundaries. I do not suggest that hard work has no place in our lives but don't overwork.

  As a result if you achieved a good work life balance you will be happier for it.

  Its time for everyone to take a step back and ask ourselves do I have a good work life balance?







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