


  How to Prepare for Examinations(如何应考)汉浯提示:学生都参加过考试,而且可能还要参加更多的考试。请写一篇150字左右的文章,说明如何应考。[写作导航]第一段是介绍段:考试频繁,说明掌握如何应考的重要性;第二段罗列对策,如认真学习所讲内容,复习课本和笔记,不耻下问等;第三段谈考前时间安排,由远及近,前紧后松。


  College life is always accompanied by various examinations. College students have examinations both in the middle and at the end of each semester. Sometimes most of these examinations are rather difficult. So it is advisable that you learn some good ways to do well in examinations.The best way is to study the subject thoroughly during the whole term; listen attentively to the teacher's lectures, and take careful notes. Go over your textbooks and notes and make sure you understand them all. Ask your classmates or teachers for help instantly if you come across problems when you clo your assignments after class. Do not delay until you forget them because these problems may prompt out when you take the exams, which will affect your scores eventually. Go over the most important parts in your textbooks and in your notes. Do not try to remember too many things at a time.Make up a timetable for your review. Start your review at least two weeks before the examination takes place. A few days before the examination, you should start to go to bed early to get enough rest. With a refreshed mind, you will find next morning you are very efficient in your reviewing. The day before the examination, it is wise to give your brain a good rest. Surely, you will pass and probably get a good score if you can follow what I suggested above.


  How to Prepare for Examinations(如何应考)汉浯提示:学生都参加过考试,而且可能还要参加更多的考试。请写一篇150字左右的文章,说明如何应考。[写作导航]第一段是介绍段:考试频繁,说明掌握如何应考的重要性;第二段罗列对策,如认真学习所讲内容,复习课本和笔记,不耻下问等;第三段谈考前时间安排,由远及近,前紧后松。[范文]College life is always accompanied by various examinations. College students have examinations both in the middle and at the end of each semester. Sometimes most of these examinations are rather difficult. So it is advisable that you learn some good ways to do well in examinations.The best way is to study the subject thoroughly during the whole term; listen attentively to the teacher's lectures, and take careful notes. Go over your textbooks and notes and make sure you understand them all. Ask your classmates or teachers for help instantly if you come across problems when you clo your assignments after class. Do not delay until you forget them because these problems may prompt out when you take the exams, which will affect your scores eventually. Go over the most important parts in your textbooks and in your notes. Do not try to remember too many things at a time.Make up a timetable for your review. Start your review at least two weeks before the examination takes place. A few days before the examination, you should start to go to bed early to get enough rest. With a refreshed mind, you will find next morning you are very efficient in your reviewing. The day before the examination, it is wise to give your brain a good rest. Surely, you will pass and probably get a good score if you can follow what I suggested above.



  方法一:“两结合”快速起草法 所谓“两结合”快速起草法,就是在整体构思的基础上,采用一部分打草稿、一部分列提纲的方法。这样把打草稿与列提纲结合,既可节约时间,又可尽量避免作文的失误。哪些部分应打草稿并认真修改呢?一是文章的标题。常言道,题好文一半。人们又常把标题比作文章的眼睛,“眼睛”的美丽无疑会使整个文章增色生辉。二是文章的开头。古人把好的`文章的开头说成是“风头”,可见开头的美应是我们作文的追求。三是文章的结尾。有人用吃花生来比喻读文章,若吃到最后是一颗特香的,就会满口余香回味无穷;若吃到最后是一颗霉变的,那就会使满口香味顿然全消。 除了上述三个部分,文章的主体内容就可用提纲的形式显示。提纲按顺序分条列出,每条后面都用括号注明预计大约写的字数,意在对行文起调控作用。不妨提供一个例子:现代作家巴金在散文《灯》中借一位朋友的话说:“我们不是单靠吃米活着的。”那么,人活在这个世界上还需要些什么呢?请思考这个问题并展开联想,写成一篇文章,立意自定,文体自选,标题自拟,不少于800字。

  “两结合”作文草稿: 点击自尊(标题草稿) 自尊是什么?带着疑问,我在苦苦地探寻。深蓝色的苍穹中出现了一道金色的光芒,一条时光隧道映入我的眼帘。怀着欣喜和好奇,我步入了隧道。(开头草稿)与鲁迅先生的对话。(100字)与三国周瑜的对话。(100字)听到慈禧太后的话语。(80字)过渡:不同的人对自尊的态度是不同的。(30字)评价鲁迅的自尊。(150字)评价周瑜的自尊。(150字)评价慈禧的自尊。(100字)(主体提纲)啊!自尊是什么?自尊是做人的一种态度、一种品格,是支撑“人”字的巨柱。(结尾草稿)

  方法二:“联点式”快速构思法所谓“联点式”快速构思法,就是将审题时记下的要点联结成作文提纲并形成文章腹稿的方法。下面举例说明。材料一:乐手们在拉琴前,总要轻轻拨动琴弦,把音高调准预定位置,以免演奏时跑调儿。正是有了这预定的音高,无论是独奏,还是合奏,音色才会和谐美好动听。可见这定调多么重要。那么,人生是不是也应该定个调呢?尤其是高三人……材料二:爱默生说:一心向着自己目标前进的人,整个世界都给他让路。上面的材料,引发你想些什么呢?请以“目标”为话题,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章,可以写你的经历、体验、感受、看法等,也可以编写故事,所写内容必须在“目标”的范围之内。“联点式”构思过程:第一步,审题记“点”。即根据作文题拓展发散思维,随手把想到的材料简要地记在草稿纸上,并按先后标上序号——①妈妈给我定的目标是考大学。②我市考取清华的学哥学姐们当初都把目标指向那最神圣的地方。③导演冯小刚的人生目标:男人28岁的时候……38岁的时候……④鲁迅的目标:我以我血荐轩辕。⑤文天祥的目标:不指南方誓不休。⑥杜甫的目标:安得广厦千万间……⑦屈原的目标:亦余心之所善兮……⑧关于人生的比喻:童年是一个梦,少年是……,青年是……,中年是……,壮年是……,老年是…… ⑨我步入高三生活。紒紛矠我选择拼搏。紒紜矠我的目标是神圣的殿堂。紒紝矠学傲寒之梅,写好青春这首诗。紒紞矠目标对我的鼓励。紒紟矠我的未来不是梦……第二步,梳理联“点”。就是运用聚敛思维,扣住题意和要求审视各“点”,找出它们之间的内在联系,排除多余的“点”,然后按自己的构思联结各“点”,形成文章的基本思路。前面记下的“点”可以联结成——⑧—⑨—③—①—②—⑦—⑥—⑤—④—紒紛矠—紒紜矠—紒紝矠这样,脑海中便有了文章的雏形。第三步,释放扩“点”。就是调动形象思维与逻辑思维,扩展联结的各“点”内容,并在头脑中衔接成为一个整体,形成文章的腹稿。








