



  Reading, open—minded, open—minded and smooth; reading, refreshing and inspiring; reading, make people happy personally on the scene!

  Morning, the morning mist filled the air, I won the "Green Gables" author Montgomerie Anne, with clear and smooth, deeply moving strokes of humor brought me into the description of children's life the most sweet novel, pure kindness, love life, public security hostess became my friends, she told me. A good man will always have happiness, a person who loves life, will find and enjoy the beauty of life; she also taught me courage and integrity...... Reading in the morning is like enjoying a warm breakfast. Reading makes me happy.

  At noon, a cloudless blue sky, I walked into the "journey to the west", a distinctive figure presented in front of the kind—hearted, faith Tang Seng, Sun Wukong; magic game; simple simple and honest, hard working, still water runs deep pig; honest sand monk, look, feel is Tang Seng fourth. Along with them, go to the west. Unfortunately, my master and three senior brothers have become immortal, and I have not been immortal, I feel a bit rough, but I know, strong will succeed. Reading at noon is like sipping a cup of fragrant coffee. Reading makes me happy.

  In the evening, I walked into the sunset, "a dream of Red Mansions", this encyclopedic novel. Let me witness the four families of honor and sorrow, but also let me understand the demise of the feudal dynasty omen. Read this book, could not help but pick up a cavity of sorrow; but can't put down the book, Bao Yu and Dai Yu love tragedy, not tears, knits the brows knits the brows worry, worry, bitter knits the brows knits the brows. Reading books at night, such as appreciating the elegant Nocturne, reading makes me happy.

  The ancients said: "three solar eclipse is better than meat, not a day without books."". Indeed, one day without reading, people lose a lot of fun.


  Reading makes people happy. Golgi once said, "reading a good book is talking to many noble people."

  When I was young, I had very little knowledge of vocabulary. I often saw my mother reading a thick Olympic math book. A solution does not come out of the title mother's eyebrows knit into a question mark, when mom finally solved a problem, will beam with joy. I went around my father, I saw my father also was all eyes looking at a book in English, he watched and learned, not to say a few words in english.

  I doubted, thinking: why the book can make them so fascinating? So I picked up a book and read it. But I knew very little words, and I told my mother to tell me stories before going to bed every night. "Good children bedtime ten minutes story", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Zheng Yuanjie fairy tales", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "outlaws of the marsh"... "

  Gradually, as I grew up, I began to read books myself. I know Cao Cao in the romance of the Three Kingdoms, and his every move reveals his cunning. Zhang Fei's reckless, Liu Bei heavy friendship etc.. In the "Water Margin", I also know the outspoken Song Jiang and gallant heroes of Liangshan.

  It is the three of us are walking together, there must be my teacher, is the good from it, the poor instead. "! More reading makes my eloquence and writing very good, writing composition is easy, and my writing level has improved a lot.

  Reading makes me understand a lot of extra—curricular knowledge, understand the infinite fun of knowledge. Reading makes me happy. I love reading!








