


  I feel like a cat, a lot of places.

  I like to walk softly, like cat start. I like to curl up in bed like a cat. I like to bask in the sun; I like quiet. I think my temper is a bit like a cat. When I'm bored, someone pulls me, or pokes me, and even though she's just trying to find me to play, I get angry all of a sudden. I hate it when a bunch of people make noise around me, especially when it's too messy to hear. This may not be good, but it seems to be my "instinct".

  Since kindergarten, I have been quieter than other children. They were all chasing after the fight, and I was painting by myself. From small to big, painting is really quite a lot! When I don't want to play, I can just sit and watch the bird fly from the tree to the tree. Good friends come to talk to me, and when I talk about topics that I'm not interested in, I walk away. But I seem to have an attractive charm, like the cute cat, they always catch up with me and change the subject. When I was in high spirits, I would talk to my friends, always find the topic, and keep on going until I was tired.

  As a rule of thumb, cats should like fish, but I am a cat that doesn't like fish at all. I hate the smell of fish (except, of course, some special treats). Mom and dad asked me to eat, just a little bit, not to tell me not to eat. I like to eat fruits and vegetables, which is not quite the cat's appetite.

  Whether I'm a cat or not, I love cats anyway. Lots of cats...


  When I was a child, the uncle's cat was always my good companion. It follows me wherever I go.

  This cat is called xin xin. Its face was small and lovely, its eyes bright as two small lanterns, and its long thin beard tickled my heart. Black hair is like oil slick, I like to hold it in my arms!

  Every time, I went to the uncle's house, just as soon as I entered the door, xinxin did not know where to jump out of nowhere, into my arms, to meet my arrival. When I squat down, it puts two front PAWS in my hand, flicking the tail, and "meow" - it is for me to eat! If he is not happy, he will scratch his belly, chin, and touch his head, and soon it will be rolling on the ground. How lovely!

  Xin xin is famous for her loveliness, but her naughtiness is also famous. If it's "gone missing" for a while, it's a good thing to do... Once, I was drawing, and my mother told me to eat, so I stopped and went to eat. After dinner, I picked up a piece of fish and poured a small dish of milk, and called to xinxin loudly: "xin xin, xin xin, come to eat!" But xin xin did not appear, I think: "I still go back to draw." He went into the room. "Ah!" I exclaimed, "papa, mama, uncle, come and see! Xin xin drew a plum flower diagram! The scene before they catch up immediately, let a person in distress situation, yan yan printed on the paper with its paw print ink, and it, the author of the painting, is said as she eyed the paintings, and climbs in licking his PAWS on the table, as if to say: "well, well!"

  How lovely is xinxin!


  There is a wild cat in my neighborhood, which I have often encountered during this time. This is a white striped black cat with blue eyes.

  Last Friday evening, I found it in the hallway downstairs and hugged it to the sofa. After supper, my mother and I went for a walk, and when I came downstairs, I mentioned the wildcat to my mother. Arriving in the hall, my mother found that she had gone upstairs without an umbrella. I stayed to see the cat.

  I went into the empty room and saw the shadow on the sofa. I ran to it, felt its fur, and saw it react, and carried it to the floor. I was surprised at the speed of the cat, which sped up the sofa and curled up into a ball. I was a little sad: I didn't think the cat was so lazy!

  Mother went downstairs, and she tut-tutted at the sight of the cat. The cat's eyes were amber in the light of the light, not like the blue before. It seems to be a cat sex, raised the back of the earth Dally, happy at ease; It had a big mouth, sharp teeth and tongue, and it was scary. It licked its front PAWS and rubbed it on its face. It was washing its face! The first time I saw the real cat scratch, yawn and wash my face, I was very shocked.

  While walking, my mother said she didn't want a cat. I asked my mother if she could buy some fish to feed her...

  After walking back, the cat automatically jumped off the sofa and scurried around. When we got into the elevator, the cat followed. When the elevator door opened, the cat slipped out. Dad opened the door and laughed, saying it was cute. I carried it back to the foyer and back to the sofa, but it jumped off the sofa again...


  I don't know when I started, my next-door neighbor has a cat. Also, a very cute kitten, I like it very much. It had just arrived and I began to pay attention to it.

  Remember the kitten, the kitten that was just born. The eyes are tightly closed, and the sound is very faint, like a baby in a deep sleep. Start often falls. When you eat milk, you should eat a little bit of it and eat it for a long time.

  When the kitten was full, it was very naughty. Once, when the master was not at home, he took out the thread that the host had to sew. After a while, two thirds of the floor was covered with wool, and the kitten was twisted and rolled on the ground. The owner came back to see the scene and immediately freed the kitten from the wool, and then rearranged the wool.

  The kitten grew up and learned the trick of catching mice. It heard a little noise from the mouse, and immediately fell down, holding its breath and waiting patiently for the attack. I also found a unique trick for cats: soft bones, which can turn over in midair, so that even if it falls in a tall building, it will not die. Always four feet first, shaking his head, shrugging, licking his PAWS, and limping as if nothing happened.

  My neighbor's cat, whenever and wherever it is, is so lively and alive that when it comes to catching mice, it is always idle. From the kitten to the big cat, I walked along with it all the way, and I love this kitten, because it always looks so lively and lovely. I like it very much.


  I have a kitten, it's my pistachio, it looks like a tiger, but its stripes are black and yellow. Its name is Amy. Amy's voice is very thin and crisp. I like to hear it. It is very naughty and has an indissoluble bond with plastic bags. What's going on? You hear me go on --

  According to my observation and research, it likes plastic bags most. Every time I have nothing to do, I take a plastic bag and play with my pistachio. I opened the bag and put it in front of it, and it went in at once, and then lay down to roll, showing the white white belly, the two front PAWS holding the bag, and the mouth still in the bag! Seeing this made me laugh, it seemed to know that I was laughing at it, and quickly stood up and twisted my ass, as if I was a little embarrassed. But then it goes on playing again. Playing with the play, unwittingly sleeping, the bag became its comfortable bed. When I woke up, I kept on playing until I caught the bag in pieces.

  The plastic bag is not only a good toy for Amy, but the gills in the bag can also feed her stomach when she is hungry. Every time he came back with a bag of fish gills, his tail was high, and he greeted me with joy. I deliberately hid the gills behind me, and it rubbed against my leg as if pleading with me; If I don't give it to you, it will scream at me. At this time, I deliberately run to let him chase, it seems to know to catch up with the delicious in the bag is own, so it is full of strength to chase, I do not have it to run fast, have to give it. When he was full, Amy would lie in her nest, licking her little PAWS contentedly, and growling in her stomach.

  Look, my pistachio is cute.