

  From my own perspective, it is extensive knowledge that an expert should basically have. After all, all the things in the universe are connected and so is knowledge. Just as an old saying goes, you’ll never know where your hometown is unless you go out of it. Being learned is the way to go out of hometown and only that will make a person be clear-headed in his subject and be superior to others as an expert.

  Of course, professional knowledge is another necessary quality. For instance, my aunt got ill the other day. She thought she caught a cold so she

  drank some hot water to get over it. But that didn’t take any effect and she felt even worse. So she went to the hospital. With the doctor’s treatment, she made a prompt recovery. Her wrong judgment prolongs her pain and that teaches me the significance of professional knowledge.

  However, all the theories must be applied to practice. So an expert should also be acquainted with sufficient concrete cases. Experts who don’t have experience can’t help us to solve problems in our daily life so that they are not useful to our society. That’s why most experts aren’t at a very young age. Time is needed for them to accumulate a wealth of experience and be proficient in solving common problems.

  Finally, the most indispensable quality of an expert is noble moral. An ordinary person is only concerned about every aspects of himself. But an

  expert has to be concerned about a single aspect of other people. That requires the expert to have the equal heart to love and care others and give his shoulder to others’ climbing. So an expert doesn’t simply mean professionalism but also means sacrifice.

  In brief, an expert must have extensive and professional knowledge, abundant experience and noble moral. I think Yuan Long ping has all the

  qualities. He devotes his entire life to hybrid rice and solves the grain issues of over six billion people. He has an unselfish heart to make sacrifice. His