


  Good morning, everyone. I’m No.14. Today I’m very happy here to talk about the topic What should we do ,if we have problems? I’ll divide the instruction into 5 parts.

  Part1 Analysis of the teaching material:

  Status and function

  This period is from Section B of unit 10. The teaching content is 2b. This is an important lesson in Book Two. And it is the fourth period of this unit; it talks about what they should do if people have problems. This topic is close to our daily life, It can arouse the students’ interests. As a reading part, it’s really important for students to master some reading skills as well as improve their reading speed. To finish the learning tasks of this lesson, I make out the following three objectives: Knowledge Objectives:

  1. New words: expert, teenager, normal, certainly, wallet, mile, angry,

  understanding , careless, mistake, himself, careful, advise, solve, step, trust, experience, halfway

  2. Key phrases: keep…to oneself, talk to sb, in life, be angry at/about sth. in the end,

  make mistakes, in the future, run away, the first step, in half, solve a problem, be afraid to do sth, advise sb. to do sth.

  Ability Objectives:

  1. Develop the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2. Train the students’ ability of communication. Moral Objectives:

  Let the students know: Problems and worries are normal in life. If you have any

  problems, you should talk to other people you trust and find the solutions.

  Teaching key points:

  1. Master the new words and phrases.

  2. Help the students to develop some useful reading skills. 3.Let the students know What they should do if they have problems. Teaching difficult points:

  1. How to make the students understand the new language items 2. How to make the students work well with their partners. Next about Part Two Analysis of the students

  The Ss of Grade 8 have learned English for more than one and a half years in middle school .So far, They can speak simple English very well. They have mastered some skills of listening , speaking , reading and writing .Most Ss have taken a great interest in English . They enjoy learning English now. (So much for this part, let’s come to Part3)

  Part3 Analysis of the teaching and learning Methods

  I will use the following methods of teaching and learning to achieve the teaching objectives.

  (1. Analysis of the teaching methods) As for teaching methods:

  I will use Communicative teaching method and “Task –based’’ teaching method. I give them enough chances to practice, and I will use pair work, group work, memory test and so on to let the students take an active part in all kinds of activities. That is “Learning by doing, learning by using”. Let the students be the masters of the class

  teaching. Of course during my teaching, I will use CAI to arouse the students’ interest

  (2、Learning methods)

  Based on the teaching methods above, I hope Ss can learn some important reading skills, such as Skimming, Scanning(扫读) ,

  Detailed reading .

  Part 4 Analysis of the Teaching procedures

  Step1?Pre-reading activities for interest (5mins) Activity1:

  Listen to a song “Trouble is a friend”. Tell me: What will you do if you are in trouble?

  Purpose of my designing: In this step ,I’ll let Ss have a free talking . I think free talking is a good way to grasp the attention of Ss and it can make the students happy and relaxed; it will get the Ss and the teacher nearer. It can make preparation for the following steps as well.

  Activity2:(5 mins)

  Lead-in?Learn some information (3 mins)

  show Ss some pictures to learn the new words and phrases. Then read them and have a memory test.

  专家 保守秘密 青少年 正常的 除非 无疑、肯定 钱包 英里 发怒的 善解人意的 粗心的 错误 他自己 小心地 劝告 解决 步骤 相信 经验 分成两半


  Purpose of my designing: I think it is easy for Ss to remember words with pictures. It’s a kind of Intuitive learning. At the same time remembering the new words can help the students to read the text easily.

  Step2? While –reading

  Here comes to the reading part .The step can be divided into 2 parts : fast reading and careful reading .

  <1>Fast reading(2 mins)

  Read the passage quickly and answer: 1) What is Laura’s trouble?

  2) Did she tell her trouble to her parents?

  Purpose of my designing: Training Ss’ ability of fast reading and get the points they need.

  As for<2>Careful reading (23mins)

  1) Read it again and Match each part of the passage with its headline.

  Paragraph 1 Robert gives some advices about common problems. Paragraph 2 Laura will share her problem in the future. Paragraph 3 Students these days have a lot of worries.

  2)Read the passage paragraph by paragraph and answer the flowing questions . Then try to retell it according to the questions. 3) Read the phrases and fill in the blanks .

  Purpose of my designing: Train their reading ability of skimming and scanning then extract specific information in a short given time. Here Ss will learn some useful reading

  skills: get the main idea according to the first and the last sentence of each paragraph and also some key words. At the same time ,I’ll explain the difficult phrases while checking the answers of the questions .

  Step 3 Group work (5mins)

  Do a survey and give us a report. (5 mins)

  Ask some students the following questions. Take notes of their answers.

  Purpose of my designing: It can ask students to use the target language to talk

  about problems with each other.

  Step 4 Summary

  Let the students read the new words and phrases on the blackboard, ask the students “ What should you do if you have problems ?”

  Purpose of my designing: Review new words and structures Ss learnt.

  Step 5 A small test : (5 mins)



  Go for it! Book7B

  Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

  Period 1 SectionA 1a—2b

  Good afternoon, my dear judges, I am Nicole . it is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation is Grade7 Unit6 Do you like bananas ? This passage consists of five parts.

  Part 1 Teaching material analysis

  This lesson focuse on the topic of diet, is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the

  Ss’ learning interests. My teaching objectives include the following parts.

  1、The position and function of the teaching material

  ? the first period of this unit .

  ? learn to talk about what they like and dislike.

  ? arouse the students’ interest

  ? improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

  2. Teaching objectives

  ①Knowledge goals(知识目标):

  ? Some new words about food

  ? countable noun and uncountable noun (可数名词与不可数名词)

  ? the new structure : Do you like …? ---Yes , I do . No , I don’t . Does he she like …? ---Yes ,he she does . No , he she doesn’t .

  ②Ability goals(能力目标):

  ? Develop students’ listening ,speaking, reading and writing skills.

  ? Train the students’ communicative ability by using the target language.

  ③Emotional goals(情感目标):

  ? Get the students to realize the importance of healthy diet.

  ? Get the students to develop the students ’ cooperative spirit.

  3. The teaching key points &difficult points

  ① Key points(重点):

  Master the names of the food

  Learn to use the target language to ask and answer like and dislike.

  ②Difficult points(难点): Use the words and the target language learned in this class to describe situations in the daily life.

  Part 2 Students analysis

  About my student:

  ? Grade 7

  ? great interest ,passion in English.

  ? active and eager to learn

  ? like western food, such as hamburgers ,French-fries

  Part 3. Teaching and learning methods guiding

  1、Teaching methods(教法):

  ①Task-based teaching and learning approach


  ②Situational method (情景教学法)

  ③Communicative method (交际法)

  ④Discussion method (讨论法)

  ⑤Group work and individual study method

  2、Learning methods(学法):

  ①Role playing(角色扮演)

  ②Group discussion(小组讨论学习)


  3、Teaching aids (教具):

  Multi-media ,Blackboard

  Part 4. Teaching procedures: Teaching time:45min


  1.warming up

  Song:Good morning to you!

  2. Guess

  We use ppt to put a fridge on the blackboard,and let student guess “What’t in the fridge?” Step2:Presentation(15min)

  1.New words and new pattern:

  Teacher show us some foods on the blackboard.

  2.Tell the words:

  We name them with English.

  T: what’s this in English?

  Ss:It’s a banana.

  T:Read after me.Banana,banana……(rept it,and learn other words)

  Tomatoes, salad ,pear oranges, ice gream ,hambuegers, broccoli……

  3.Tell the Sentences

  T: I like bananas,“Do you like bananas?”

  Ss:Yes ,I do.No,I don’t.


  T:Now,let’s use the new words practice the sentence with your partener


  Step3: Listening comprehension(8min)

  Finish off 1a Match the words with the things in the picture; 1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3]; 2a Listen and circle the food; 2b Listen again and fill in the blanks. Then ,ask students write down the answers on the blackboard. Next,check the answers. Finally, read the words and conversations


  1. Check the answers.

  2.Do the workbook page40 T1 and T2. Then ask student write down the answers on the blackboard.And check the answers.

  3. Play game : Order food

  T: Let’s play a game“Order food”. You can take with your group members about what you like and dislike.


  Step5: Homework(1min)

  Review the words and conversations.

  Step6: Evaluation(1min)

  I like bannas.Do you like bananas?

  Part5.Blackboard design

  Unit6 Do you like bananas?

  Words: Do you like ?

  Yes, I do.No, I don’t.

