


  17、It is a beautiful and quiet night. The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky , which casts its light on everything.


  18、Outside, the lopsided moon, the hacked-at trees and the hobbled moon garden shimmered and rustled and fluttered in the night wind, satisfied they worked their powerful enchantment still.


  19、The first drops of rain are huge; they split into the dust on the ground, and plunk on the roof. The rain now becomes a torrent, flung by a rising wind. Together they batter the trees and level the grasses. Water streams off roofs. There is only water.

  开始雨点很大,溅起地上的灰尘,打在屋顶上丁当作响。接着大更大的风助威下, 瓢泼大雨倾盆而下,雨水砸向树木,踏平草地。立即,雨水像溪流一样从屋顶奔流而下。到处都是水的世界。

  20、I am drawn outside while the rain still falls. All around, there is cool and welcome feeling. I breathe deeply and watch the sun’s rays streak through breaking clouds. One ray catches the drops that from on the edge of the roof, and I am treated to a row of tiny, quivering colors—my private rainbow. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, which makes a wonderland.
