


  Chapter 1

  Once there was a poor miller who only owned three things, a donkey, a cat and a mill. He could grindmeal with the mill. He could carry bags of meal to the market with his donkey. But, the cat, well, he couldn’t do anything with the cat except catch mice.

  The miller also had three sons. The oldest son was very strong. The second son was very smart. And, the youngest son was only handsome.

  When the old miller finally died he left all he had to his sons. To his oldest son he left the mill. The oldest son worked the mill and earned a living. The miller left his donkey to his second son.

  The second son took the donkey and set out in search of his fortune. But, for the youngest son there was only the cat.

  The youngest son was very fond of the cat, but he did not know what to do with him. I am going to starve. I will surely die with only this cat.

  Just then, the cat began to laugh. Why are you laughing at me? Well, I was just thinking that if you are hungry and worried about starving, why don’t you cook me and eat me? You could use my fur to keep warm during the cold winter.

  I would never do that to you, puss! Anyway, if you were not here, then I could be all alone.

  Then what would I do? If you will buy me a brown bag and a pair of leather boots, you will see that I am worth more than a mill or an old donkey.

  A brown bag and leather boots? How will that ever help me? After you give me these things, I will show you how valuable I am. You are a crazy cat, but, you never know.

  Why not? So, the youngest son made up his mind to give the cat a chance. The cat looked so amazing in his new leather boots that the young master decided he must also buy him a hat and a cape as well.

  I can not call you just plain puss any more. From now on, you will be puss-in-boots. And I have a new name for you too, young master. From now on, you will be the Marquis of Caracas because I have great plans for you.