

  Bill: Kill virus? That's easy for me. I'm a genius. Just use a knife.

  Monica: A knife?

  Bill: Yeah! Knife can kill everything.

  Monica: What are you talking about? Alright! Alright! Forget it! And how about the novel we discussed last week?

  Bill: Novel? I've read so many novels, which one?

  Monica: "The old man and the sea", don't you forget? What happened to that old man?

  Bill: Yeah! That old man! He caught a big fish and then became a hero.

  Monica: Hmm. He has a strong will, doesn't he? He never gives up anything. And how about the fish?

  Bill: Did you forget? He cooked the fish and ate it!

  Monica: And~~it's delicious, right?

  Bill: You got it! It's very delicious!

  Monica: Nonsense! The fish was eaten by the sharks . You're not Bill, are you?

  Bill: Of course I'm Bill. "B~I-L-L"

  Monica: But you seem different from the way you are on net. Who are you for God's sake?

  Bill: Ok. I tell you the truth. I'm Bill, but not the one you talked to on net. That was my sister, Hillary.

  Monica: Are you kidding me?

  Bill: No, that's true. I really want to have a girlfriend, so she helped me out. She met you on net and thought you're a nice girl. So she arranged us to meet each other.

  Monica: That means both of you tricked me?

  Bill: So what? That's Hillary's idea.

  Monica: You. ..You..... (She is very angry)

  Monica: Gosh! I was tricked for such a long time!

  Scence IV

  (Monica left McDonald angrily)

  (At Monica's room, again.)

  Monica: (Crying) How foolish I was! What on earth was I doing? (Still crying) I think I need someone to talk to.

  (She looked around and saw the time)

  Monica: Ah, 8:30. It's "Paula's Time."