

  海伦娜: 可是我看不到你就心痛。

  狄米崔Demetrious: Let me go. Cause I so hate you! (挣脱Helena走开了)

  斯: 让我走,因为我是这么的讨厌你。


  Helena: Don’t leave me alone. Please stay, though you kill me.(追着Demetrious下) 海伦娜:不要离开我,请留下吧,就算你杀了我。


  Oberon: The poor lady! I have to help her. have you get the flower? (Puck上)


  Puck: Yes, Here it is.

  帕克:是的 ,就在这儿

  Oberon: So poor! If you find him sleeping, drop some of the love-juice in his eyes.

  奥伯伦: 这里有一位甜美的少女爱上了冷酷的年轻人。如果你发现他睡著了,就把爱情的汁液滴进他的眼睛里。




  [Puck走了上来,却阴差阳错地把Lysander当成了Demetrious ]

  Puck: Ah! Who is here? This is him, And she is the lady.

  I’ll drop the love-juice in your eyes. Hey! It’s so funny! (下)


  [Helena走了上来, 无意间发现了Lysander躺在这里]

  Helena: I am out of breath in chasing.Who is lying there? Lysander! Good sir, if you are alive, awake.

  海伦娜: 这痴心的追赶使我累得喘不过气来,是谁躺在地上?喔,是莱赛德,好先生,如果你还活著,就醒醒吧。

  Lysander:What a pretty beauty! Helena, I would go through fire for your sweet sake.


  Helena: Do not say so, Lysander. Don’t you love Hermia?

  海伦娜: 别这么说,莱赛德。你不爱荷米亚了吗?

  Lysander: I don’t love her at all. For me, she is just a black raven,

  and you are a white dove.

  莱赛德: 我一点也不爱她,对我而言,她只是只乌鸦,而你是只白鸽。

  Helena: Oh! Why was I born to be amused without respect? Is it not enough, young man? That a lady,being refused by one man , should be so abused by another!

  海伦娜:喔,为什麼我生下来就被每个人嘲笑,而不被尊重?年轻人,这还不够吗? 一个女子被一个男人拒绝,还得忍受另一个男人的揶揄。

  Lysander: Helena,my love……(追随而下)

  莱赛德: 海伦娜,我的爱人……


  Hermia: Lysander! Lysander! Where do you go? No word! If you hear me, please talk to me! I faint almost with fear. Where do you go?



  Demetrious: you are here, my dear Hermia! I found you for a long time.


  Hermia: Do you see my Lysander?

  赫米娅: 你看见我的莱赛德了吗?

  Demetrious: who care? I would like his being my dog's food.


  Hermia: Out,you dog! Did you really kill him? You are a devil! Lysander,I'm sure I will find you!

  赫米娅: 滚开,恶狗!你真的杀了他吗?你这个恶魔。莱赛德,我一定会找到你的。


  Demetrious:She is so angry. I’d better stop following her. I have to take a rest. I'm too tired tonight! (睡)


  Oberon和Puck 上

  Oberon: Puck,Did you finish your work?

  奥伯伦: 派克,你的工作做完了吗?

  Puck: Sure, I did. And the woman is by his side,

  when he waked, she must be seen.


  Oberon: Hey! He is there! What did you do? Why does the cruel man still

  sleep here? You must have made a mistake!


  Puck: Did I? Oh, I’m sorry.


  Oberon: It’s ok,now you can finish it.

  Just be careful, do not make a mistake again.



  Lysander: Why should you think that I should woo in scorn?

  I just hope you could love me.

  莱赛德: 为什麼你要以为我的求爱不过是嘲笑你呢?我只是希望你爱我罢了。

  Helena: Do you give Hermia up? You should vow to her.


  Lysander: My heart to her is but as a guest, now my heart is to you as a son comes home, never leaves.



  Demetrious: Oh! Helena, perfect godness!Oh! Let me kiss your hand.

  狄米崔斯: 噢!海伦娜!完美的女神!让我亲吻你的手吧!

  Helena: Oh! Spite! You both love Hermia, and now you both mock me!


  Demetrious: Lysander, keep your Hermia. Helena is mine!

  狄米崔斯: 莱赛德,保留你的荷米亚吧!海伦娜是我的!

  Lysander: No! Helena, what he said is a lie!

  莱赛德: 不!海伦娜,他说的都是谎话!

  Helena: you make me confused. Who should I believe in?

  海伦娜: 你们让我迷惑了。我该相信谁呢?


  Hermia: Lysander! You are here! Why did you leave me so unkindly?