

  “We’ll soon sort out your dress,my dear,”said the fairy

  kindly and waved her wand again.

  Click on Cinderella to see what happens.

  Cinderella’s rags had disappeared and she was wearing the

  most beautiful dress she had ever seen and the daintiest

  glass slippers!

  “Remember,”warned the fairy.”You must leave the ball

  before midnight,for at midnight the magic will end.

  Click on the carriage to take Cinderella to the ball.

  When Cinderella entered the ball a hush fell and everyone

  stopped dancing.Never before had they seen someone so beautiful.

  The Prince himself thought that Cinderella was so beautiful

  that he danced with her all night long.

  Click on the prince.

  Cinderella was having such fun dancing with the handsome

  Prince that she forget all about the time.

  Then,suddenly she noticed the clock.

  Click on the clock to see the time.

  The clock had begun to strike twelve.It was almost midnight.

  The Prince tried to chase after Cinderella but he lost sight of her.

  But then he glimpsed a shining object on the ground.

  Click on the glass slipper.

  The Prince went everywhere trying to find the girl whose

  foot would fit into the dainty glass slipper.

  Finally.he came to Cinderella’s house.

  The ugly stepsisters tried to squeeze the slipper on but no

  matter how hard they tried the slipper didn’t fit.

  Cinderella watched as the Prince tried to fit the slipper onto

  her stepsister’s feet.”May I try the slipper?”she asked quietly.

  The slipper fitted Cinderella’s foot perfectly!

  Click on the light see what it is?

  Whoosh!In a flash,the good fairy appeared again.

  “It was Cinderella who danced with the Prince,”she chuckled