


  We've got 19 hours and 58 minutes!I'll get Bellerophon into your system before then!Just stay alive!I'm not going to lose you!我们还有19小时58分钟,我会给你注射抗体。不要死,我不会放弃你!


  I guess I lied.我想我骗了你。


  I'm infected with Chimera.You know you don't have a choice.Just do it.Do it now!我感染了金美拉,开枪吧,立刻开枪。


  I wasn't thinking!Just trying to stop you from getting hurt,that's all!我没想什么,只是不想让你受到伤害。


  You who don't have a conscience.你说自己没有正义感。


  Every search for a hero must begin with something that every hero requires a villain.英雄需要坏蛋衬托,英雄出现前,必先有坏蛋出现。


  You're not gonna shoot me,Sean.Not this bitch.Because she's worth £37 million.西恩,你不会开枪的,因为这值三千七百万镑。


  Not spontaneous enough, adventurous enough, funny enough...


  Listen. Talk to me. We can talk, like gentlemen.


  A dishonesty that poisons everything.


  Groundhog, that's you.


  We ran out of ice. I'll be back in 10 minutes.


  Wheels up at sunrise if you have a change of heart.


  Extremely dangerous and a priority for us.