


  The Spring Festival Legend, many many years ago, in the beautiful mountains of fixed Yangshan, there is a modest village.

  The village on the hillside, there is a small stone house, there lived a man named million years of youth.

  He came from a poor family, to gather firewood herb digging for a living.

  When the festival was a mess, make people unable to farm crops.

  Million years is a calculation of youth, want to seasonal Dingzhun, but, I do not know where to start.

  One day, a million years of mountain firewood, sitting under a tree to rest, shadow movement inspired him, he made a sundial shadow calculation, measuring the length of the day.

  However, the days are overcast fog rain clouds, impact survey record.

  He wanted to do a time recording apparatus, good make up for lack of a sundial.

  That day, he dug up the mountain medicine, come to the fountain to drink water, cliff springs rhythmic ticking, attracted his attention.

  He looked at the springs out of god.

  Thought for a while, return the home in, drawing, tried, made of five layers of clepsydra.

  Since then, he measured the sun's shadow, hope Water Leakage, diligently.

  Slowly, he found every 360 days, the length of day will repeat again.

  The shortest day of the winter solstice.

  Then the emperor named Zu Yi.

  Seasonal arrhythmia, make him very worried.

  The convening of the officials.

  Chaoyi seasonal failure trapped.

  Seasonal officer called A Heng, do not know the sun and the moon and the operation rules, say that people Zuoshi inadvertently offended the gods.

  Only the devout kneel Festival, to get on God's forgiveness.

  B just vegetarians bath.

  Collar Baiguan to Tiantan worship, and had set a national, heaven.

  But offering sacrifices to, did not work, the season is still a mess; around the people in order to build the altar and service, but also come to donate, really bile mixed berberine.

  Add bitter bitter.

  Million years could not bear.

  He took his sundial and clepsydra met with the emperor.

  Years met with the emperor, saying that the winter solstice, the sun and the moon about the operation cycle.

  Zu Yi listens, exultation in heart, even the construction, building sun and moon Pavilion in front of the Tiantan, built on the sundial Taiwan, building on the Louhu pavilion.

  And dialed twelve Scouts serve million years.

  Million years let six children keep sundial, six boys keep clepsydra, meticulously recorded on time report.

  One day, b let Aheng to sun and moon Ge asked for calendars, calendar years pointing to grass says: "sunrise and sunset three hundred and sixty, again and again from the beginning.

  The change of vegetation in four, a round twelve years.

  " Aheng listens, deep sleep is reasonable, but the hearts of uneasy.

  He thought: if the million years to seasonal Dingzhun, Emperor heart Hi, reuse million years, who will listen to me Aheng? Aheng to think ah, wanted to get rid of thousands of years.

  The day Aheng found out a good shot to benefit customers, will send people to go home, put on the banquet, explaining the reasons, perhaps in the heavy ceremony.

  The night went to assassinate assassin promise.

  Days to pay two drums, taking advantage of revelry left A Heng assassin, ran to the sun and the moon pavilion.

  But around Tiantan, the sun and the moon you, a guard strictly, the assassin cannot come near, you pull bows and arrows to the sun and the moon Pavilion on the positive view astrology million years to shoot.

  Who know the assassin too much drink, eyes faint, arrows only shot in the arm thousands of years.

  Million years Oh fell on the ground, the boy book took the thief.

  Guards heard the cry, turned out to catch the assassin, twist the emperor.

  Zu B inquire the truth, Messenger will Aheng accept supervision, and made prints the palace years on Sun cabinet visit.

  Years was very moved, pointing to Shen star said: "Shen Xing caught up with silkworm 100 stars, stars restoration, night jiaozi, old has ended, and the beginning of spring, hope the emperor set a day.

  " Zu Yi said: "spring is the beginning of the year, called the Spring Festival.

  Aiqing cabinet, three contained no, be loyal and faithful, to the full moon as quasi produced lunar calendar, is really too high virtue.

  Now my minister was crafty plot, with me into the palace nursed back to health.

  " Million years said: "the lunar calendar although newly established, but is not very accurate, drip hour had left the end of the year.

  If not the end of this end of the year when the moisture in, Riyuerusuo, over the past calendar wrong again.

  His negative beings hope, by the emperor grace, may the heart sun and moon Pavilion, careful calculation, the calendar established grass.

  " In this way, a million years in the sun and the moon Pavilion, carefully observe the vegetation Mai Shu's ups and downs, carefully calculated, end of the year when the plot on a Yuerun in.

  In May of that year, Zu B to Tiantan for offering, offering Ye gods, and boarded the sun and the moon Pavilion, the ritual May fresh peach gave million years.

  Million year lunar calendar, Zu B looked toil day and night million years, Mei also white, must also white, deeply moved, put the lunar calendar named calendar, also for years closed Shouxing sun.

  Therefore, people later also called the Spring Festival, Chinese new year when the house often hang Shouxing map, a symbol of the new year old longevity, but also on the high virtue million years sent to nostalgia.


  春节习俗英文简介Customs of the Spring Festival

  The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival and also the most important one of the whole year. Through the evolvement of thousands of years, a series of customs are spreading far and wide.

守岁 Staying Up Late on New Year‘s Eve

  The tradition of staying up late to see New Year in originated from an interesting folk tale. In ancient China there lived a monster named Year, who was very ferocious. Year always went out from its burrow on New Year’s Eve to devour people. Therefore, on every New Year’s Eve, every household would have supper together. After dinner, no one dared go to sleep and all the family members would sit together, chatting and emboldening each other. Gradually the habit of staying up late on New Year’s Eve is formed. Thus in China, "celebrating the Spring Festival” is also called "passing over the year (guo nian)”。 However, now there are less and less people in cities who will stay up late to see New Year in.