




  Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English Book unit 1(A student of African wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure, and Blackboard design. First, let me talk the teaching material. Part 1 Teaching Material:

  This unit is about(Great women and their achievements , Important people, history and methods of agriculture, Different types of English humor ,Culture differences and communication Different types of theme park)

  By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women successful The knowledge of farming and Dr Yuan Longping’ achievement And chemical farming and organic farming. Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encouraging humor People from different area have different body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings. Theme park not only provide fun but also provide various knowledge and exciting experience. this lesson not only teach the students to learn the related material about (1) the good character to be a successful person (2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life The disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers and how to increase production in organic farming. (3)Charlie Chaplin and his humor English jokes (4)Different body language and the similarities in body language which make the others understand our feelings. (5)Theme park but also learning ability in English .

  A: If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well. B: It provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic, it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the language So it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.

  (As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . )According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects: (1)the students can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns. (2) the students can understand the content of the lesson: (3) the students can use the patterns to express their thoughts in proper situation and learn how to describe people with adjective. Ability objects: Ability objects of this section are (1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Especially speaking and writing ability.

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs. (4) To improve the Ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning ability. 3.Emotion objects: By reading A Student of African wildlife /why not carry on the good work, students can learn from (1)Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her successful. Lin Qiao zhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her successful. (2)Dr Yuan Long ping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life This passage what is chemical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvantage.


  Unit 3 Computers (unit 3,Book 2) 说课稿

  Reading Task Who Am I ?



  Who am I 出自人教版高中英语教科书第二册第三单元第一课时,本单元的话题是工厂技术,计算机的发展史和机器人。计算机对于高中生来说是较熟悉的一个话题,但“Who am I”这篇阅读材料所选语言材料属于科普说明文,内容较为抽象,文章也有一些专业术语,对高一学生来说有一定的难度。但是这篇阅读材料以第一人称的拟人手法介绍了计算机发展演变的历史和计算机在各个领域的应用,这样拟人的手法使得文章读起来妙趣横生,抽象的专业知识介绍起来也浅显易懂。这篇文章是整个单元的重点,融汇了听、说、读、写语言知识点,同时在句子表达上运用到了现在完成时的被动语态,为下一个课时的语法教学作好了铺垫。




  abacus. calculator. PC. laptop. PDA. calculate. universal. simplify. sum. logical. logically. revolution. operator. technology. technological. artificial. intelligence. Intelligent .solve. tube. total. web. application. finance. mobile. explore. anyhow. From…on. as a result. so…that….


  A. Over time I have been changed quite a lot.

  B. First as a PC and then as a laptop ,I have been used in offices and homes sice the 1970s.

  C. Over time my memory has developed so much that ,like an elephant ,I never forget any thing I have been told !

  D. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me .

  E.I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations .












  ①整体阅读教学法,让学生分别进行读前、读中、读后训练,由浅入深消化课文。 ②任务型教学法,让学生在教师指导下通过感知、体验、实践参与、合作等方式完成目标。

  ③开放性教学策略,如brainstorm role play.等








  Step Ⅰ.Warming up and leading in

  1.以幻灯片的方式展开此部分Warming up里有关计算机发展的七部图片,询问学生以下问题:

  ①What are they ?(ask the students to tell them one by one in English and spell them) ②Ask students to discuss what these items have in common.

  ③Which one can help me most in teaching English ?show students the sentence structures of giving opinions ,such as in my opinion ,I think ……

  这部分设计让学生熟悉有关单词,熟悉作出决定及意见的句型,激发他们的学习兴趣 StepⅡ Pre-readirg

  1.Ask the students to look at the title and the picture on P18 and guess :

  Who am I ?

  What is the passage about ?

  2.Ask students to brainstorm :In which aspects have computer been used today ? Work out a list and compare it with your partner .


  Step Ⅲ.Reading

  1.Skim the passage to check whether their predictions are right or not .

  2.Scan the passage again ,and do exercise 3 in pre-reading part .


  1642: .

  1822:The analytical machine was wade by Charles Babbage.

  : .

  1940s: .

  :The first family of computers was connected to each other.

  1970s: .

  Now: .


  4、careful reading

  Ask students to read the passage once more and fill out the chart of requirement 2 on P19 这部分需要学生精读课文并寻找相关具体信息,建议学生碰到生词时看下上文猜测词义。

  StepⅣ Listening and Speaking


  2.Role play :叫学生以第一人称扮演不同时期的计算机。

  StepⅤ 拓展

  1.再现最初的七副图片,询问学生:What’s next ?让学生展开自己的想象力,设计下一种计算机的模样与作用,让学生分组讨论并画出其样子。

  Step Ⅵ Homework

  Ask the students to write a passage about the development of computers.

  Step Ⅶ Conclusion


  Unit 3 Who Am I ?

  1642: The computer began as a calculating machine.

  1822: The analytical machine was made by …

  1936:The computer grew rapidly both in size and brain power.

  1940s:…had grown as large as a room .

  1960s:The first family of computers…

  1970s:computers were used in offices and homes .

  Now :Computer connect people all over the world.














