

  1. Hundreds of (数以百计的)buildings(建筑物) were wrecked by the earthquake(地震).

  A) shaken(摇动, 震动) B) fallen(倒下, 落下, 秋天, 瀑布)

  C) damaged (破坏, 损坏) D) trembled(发抖, 震动)

  1. C。 wreck在句中用作动词, 其基本词义为破坏, 因此C(破坏)是答案。


  damage  destroy  wreck 毁坏

  2. The use of the chemical(化学的, 化学制品) may present(造成,呈现, 出席的, 现在的, 礼物, 现在) a certain hazard to the laboratory(实验室) workers.

  A)protection(保护) B)indication (指示,迹象)

  C) immunity (免疫性) D) danger(危险)

  2.D. hazard作为名词使用时,其基本词义为危险, 危险的事情 , 因此D是答案。


  present  cause  create  bring about  lead to 造成

  hazardous  dangerous 危险的

  indicate  show - reveal 显示

  be immune from (A 级)  be free of 免于

  3. The leading astronomers(天文学家) of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries(世纪) were fascinated by comets(惠星).