



  成吉思汗(Genghis Khan)是世界历史上杰出的政治家和军事家。1206年,他统一草原上的各个部落,建立了大蒙古国(the Mongol Empire)。建国之后,成吉思汗多次发动战争,使蒙古帝国成为人类历史疆域最为广阔的国家。除了伟大的军事成就,成吉思汗在其他方面也推动了帝国的发展。他颁布法令创建蒙古人的书写文字,制定法律并促进宗教宽容。成吉思汗既是世界上著名的历史人物,又是一个极具争议的统治者。几百年来,有很多名人、学者从不同的角度对他进行了研究和探讨。


  Genghis Khan, an outstanding statesman andstrategist in the history of the world, united thetribes on the grassland and founded the MongolEmpire in 1206. After that, he waged many wars,making the Mongol Empire the largest territory inthe history of mankind. Apart from his great military accomplishments, Genghis Khan alsoadvanced the empire in other ways. He decreed to create characters for Mongolian, made lawsand promoted religious tolerance. Genghis Khan is not only a well-known historic figure in theworld, but also a highly controversial ruler. For centuries, many celebrities and scholars haveconducted researches and studies on him from different angles.

  1.第一句和第二句的主语都是“成吉思汗”,可以调整句式进行合译;可将第二句作为句子主干,“世界历史上杰出的政治家和军事家”可使用名词短语作插入语,译为an outstandingstatesman and strategist in the history of theworld。


  3.第五句“他颁布法令创建…”的主语是“他”,后跟三个并列谓语“颁布法令”、“制定”和“促进”,翻译的时候使用并列结构,译为 decreed...,made...and promoted...。

  4.翻译“成吉思汗既是…又是…”时可使用not only...but also...结构来连接。