优秀的复活节诗歌:Easter Bunny(3)


Other Easter Traditions

  The cross and the lily are both Christian symbols relating to the religious significance of the season and the renewal of faith. Similarly, the lamb has a religious basis, both in Christianity (Christ as the Good Shepherd) and in Judaism (the Paschal Lamb). The view of a lamb as a symbol of new life is the foundation for both religious images.

  The Easter bonnet and the wearing of new clothes on Easter Sunday are fairly recent additions to Easter traditions. While imitating the more ancient view that the new clothes and colors symbolized the end of winter, new life and renewal, the actual practice of strolling to Church in your "Sunday Best" was not prevalent until the end of the nineteenth century.

  A unique Easter tradition founded primarily in England and Russia is the picking of pussy willows. As an ancient symbol that spring had finally arrived, it was viewed as good luck to be tapped on the shoulder by a branch of these soft blooms by a neighbor or loved one.

  Though identified in modern times as a Christian Holy Day, Easter, the ancient celebration of spring, has roots far deeper than any one belief or culture. It reminds us that there is always a chance to plant our dreams anew; that the cold of winter will pass; and, that in the course of humankind, you can always plant again.


  想没想过“耶稣受难日”怎么用英文表达?常听到的一系列稀奇古怪的宗教节日,如“四旬节斋戒”、“圣灰星期三”和“复活节守夜”是怎么回事?复活节玄词大解密和您一起解读西方文化…… 提醒一下哦,注意最下方的词语解释!

Ash Wednesday

  Ash Wednesday, the seventh Wednesday before Easter, is the beginning of Lent for Western Christian churches. It's a day of penitence to clean the soul before theLentfast.

  On this day, many Christians receive a mark of ashes on the forehead as a token of penitence and mortality.

  Symbolism of the ashes

  The marking of their forehead with a cross made of ashes reminds each churchgoer that:

  Death comes to everyone

  They should be sad for their sins

  They must change themselves for the better

  God made the first human being by breathing life into dust, and without God, human beings are nothing more than dust and ashes