

  71 因为你喜欢打排球

  because you like playing volleyball

  72 因为你喜欢唱歌

  because you like sing songs

  73 因为你的生日快到了

  because your birthday is coming

  74 因为你喜欢看书

  because you like reading books

  75 因为你的开朗

  because of your sanguine disposition

  76 因为我们分隔两地却两心相系

  because we miss each others even if we live in differet places

  77 因为身边有你的欢笑

  because of your cheerful smile around me

  78 因为你喜欢贝壳

  because you love seashells

  79 因为一颗心只能爱你一个

  because one heart can only love you one

  80 因为没有人痴的像我

  because no one is infatuated like me

  81 因为你的心将我淹没了

  because i am addicted in your love

  82 因为有你我就不孤单

  because of you ,i am not lonely any more

  83 因为上辈子我们在一起

  because last generation we were lovers

  84 因为爱你是我甜蜜的负担

  because loving you is my sweet burden

  85 因为你我拒绝了其他的仰慕者

  because we two reject other

  86 因为我的朋友都叫我要好好的把握

  because my friends ask me to hold it well

  87 因为不爱你实在太过分了

  because not loving you is excessive

  88 因为不爱你实在太对不起自己了

  because i feel sorry for myself,if i dont love you

  89 因为不爱你我的朋友会打我

  because my friends will beat me ,if i dont love you

  90 因为我的目标只有一个...爱你

  because i only have one aim-love you

  91 因为说了那麽多爱你的理由我不得不爱你