My View on Private Cars精彩双语美文


My View on Private Cars精彩双语美文

  My View on Private Cars 私家车之我见

  With the fast development of human society and theimprovement of life standard, private car has become more and more common inour country, especially in cities. It brings some benefit for us but alsocauses many problems at the same time.


  For one thing, private car has increasingly played asignificant role in our daily life. To start with, private cars provide moreconvenience as a kind of vehicle, especially for office workers, students andthose go to travel usually. Furthermore, with the increase of private cars, theautomobile companies can offer more and more job opportunities and reduce thepressure of unemployment. Eventually, it is good for us to save more time toimprove the efficiency of life. For example, we do not have to wait for a buswhen we are in a hurry.


  However, for another, private car has caused manyproblems as well. Firstly, the environment would be heavily polluted if thenumber of private cars rises too quickly. The exhaust gas from cars pollutesthe air and causes some serious problems to human health. Moreover, too manyprivate cars will cause traffic jams instead of bringing convenience. Finally,the increase of traffic accidents has threatened the safety of people’s life.


  As far as I am concerned, as our inpiduals, weshould prefer to choose the public transportations when we go out. And for our government, they should take somemeasures to limit the increasing number of private cars.


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