

  and it has three horns.”

  “His horns look very sharp.” “Yes, they are. You can seeone horn on his nose and the other two above his eyes.

  He uses the horns to protect himself.”

  “I hope he doesn’t poke me.”

  “There’s a very interesting dinosaur. He is very big,but he has a very small mouth. I wonder how he eats?”

  “That is a Stegosaurus. He is a plant-eater, too.You are right. He does have a very small mouth.”

  “Look at his back. It is bumpy.” “Those are called backplates, Tim. The Stegosaurus uses them for protection.”

  “Dr. Smith, I think that all plant-eaters have some way toprotect themselves.” “Yes, Sally, you are right.”

  “Look over there. What’s that?” “It looks like a giant egg.”

  “Oh, don’t touch it. It is a dinosaur egg.Soon, a baby dinosaur will hatch from it.”

  “Really? Do all dinosaurs hatch from eggs?”

  “Why are the animals running away?

  They look very scared.”

  “Oh my! That is a Tyrannosaurus.”

  “He looks dangerous.” “He is. He’s a meat-eater.”

  “What does that mean?” “It means we should run.”

  “That’s right! Run, Tim! Run, Sally!

  Let’s get out of here.”

  “Hop in! Come on, we have to be quick.”

  “Oh, no! Here comes the Tyrannosaurus.”

  “Hurry, hurry, hurry!” “Now, where is the present button?”

  “Hurry!” “Here we are, safe and sound.” “That was fun!”

  “Dr. Smith, what happened to the dinosaurs?”

  “They became extinct, Tim.”

  “Really! How did that happen?”

  “A very large rock crashed into the earth.

  There was a lot of smoke and the sun went away.”

  “Without the sun, all the dinosaurs died?” “Right.”

  “Dr. Smith, we have to go.