

  Teaching Ais(教学目标):

  1.能听、说、读、写本课的核心词汇:faus, during,spend, everne,cuntrside

  2.能熟练掌握核心句型:Hw was ur suer hlida?

  It was wnderful. We went t the Great Wall.

  Everne had a gd tie.


  Teaching Iprtances and Difficulties (教学重难点):





  Teaching Tls(教学用具): 录音机、自制、照片等

  Teaching Prcedures(教学过程):

  StepⅠ.War up and revisin(热身与复习)

  1. Greetings.

  2. D se waring-up exercises.

  Step Ⅱ.Presentatin and practice(呈现新语言知识和练习)

  1. Lead in.

  T: D u lie the suer hlida r winter hlida?

  Hw was ur suer hlida?

  S1: It was wnderful.

  T: Where did u g?

  Ss: I went t Beiing.

  2. Shw se pictures and intrduce Beiing.

  3. Learn t sa and write the phrases.

  4. Read and spell the wrds.

  5. Chse and sa:

  This is the Great Wall. It’s in Beiing.

  6. Watch the screen and learn t sa the useful sentences.

  Hw was ur suer hlida?

  It was wnderful. We went t the Great Wall.

  7. As pupils t practise in grups .

  Sept Ⅲ. Learn the str (学习课文)

  1. Watch the cartn.

  2. Students fllw the recrding and repeat the dialgues.

  3. The pupils read the text carefull. And then tr t d se exercises.

  Step Ⅳnslidatin(拓展延伸)

  The pupils learn t write sething abut their suer hlidas.