

  每年的7月4日是美国的独立纪念日,1776年7月4日,大陆会议在费城正式通过托马斯·杰佛逊起草的《独立宣言》 。

  Secretary Kerry’s Fourth of July Message


  03 July 2013


  Hello, everybody. I wanted to take a moment to welcome you to our embassies, consulates and residences, and wish you a very Happy American Independence Day. My colleagues from our embassies and consulates are constantly learning from all of you about your cultures and traditions, and, frankly, we really couldn’t be happier that you’re here to share our traditions and celebrate the birthday of the United States. While the Fourth of July is an occasion to enjoy great food and the company of friends and family, it’s also a time for Americans to reflect on the founding of our country 237 years ago. And while our Declaration of Independence is the most American of documents, and while we proudly associate ourselves with the promises of equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, in truth, those ideals are not uniquely American. These rights actually belong to everyone on earth. These are values that we all share, and they represent the aspirations of people the world over. So we look forward to working with all of you to find the common ground on which we can work to build a safer, healthier and more prosperous world. Thanks so much for joining us today, and Happy Independence Day to all of you.
